unplugin-vue-components copied to clipboard
Multi-level lazy loading routing will lead to multiple loading of styles and reloading of pages.
Please forgive me for using Google Translate
problem description:
When I entered a new routing page (using a lazy loading situation, the following way to write):
Will load all the style files that use the components under the current routing page, resulting in Vite Reload, such as:
In my actual project, there may be some design unreasonable, there are too many routing levels, which will cause the Vite will reload multiple times when I entered the new page, introduced all the styles to enter the page, which affects the development experience.
I don't know if it was designed that way, but it does affect the development experience a little bit, and it feels like it slows down development with Vite
I introduced the style directly in the development environment, and then introduced as needed when packaged:
(() => import.meta.env.DEV && import("ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css"))();
export default ({ mode }) => {
const isDev = mode == "development";
return defineConfig({
plugins: [
resolvers: [
// importStyle: "css",
importStyle: isDev ? false : "less",
dirs: ["src/components"],
include: [/\.vue$/],
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
I am thinking about implementing such functions inside the plugin and configured by options?
Rely version
- "vue": "^3.2.22"
- "unplugin-vue-components": "^0.17.6"
- "vite": "^2.6.14"
我也出现了这个问题,我的路由也是异步加载的配置,由于我的routes也是动态获取再进行注册的,所以我用了 vite 提供的 import.meta.glob 导入了所有路由页面然后再做匹配,比你更糟糕的是我会出现页面的无限重载,甚至vite开启的服务抛出了408的错误,我不知道如何解决这个问题,现在已经导致我无法正常开发了,只能弃用这个插件
@antfu 能提供下解决办法吗?
Force packages pre-bundle
Force packages pre-bundle
Can you tell me exactly how to do it,thanks
Just add packages that cause Vite reload into include list.
Example: https://github.com/antfu/vitesse/blob/2e378f43421855b08ecf983200ab9c3ac4d58d0f/vite.config.ts#L157-L163
Just add packages that cause Vite reload into include list.
Example: https://github.com/antfu/vitesse/blob/2e378f43421855b08ecf983200ab9c3ac4d58d0f/vite.config.ts#L157-L163
This doesn't work, it still reloads the page, and after I upgrade the plugin version, I also get 408 problems:
Can you provide a repo with the code required to reproduce this issue?
Can you provide a repo with the code required to reproduce this issue?
Please clon my repositories, I have all the latest version of the latest version: https://github.com/RennCheung/vue3-report-demo
- pnpm i
- pnpm run dev
- Click "about" on the page. (router-link)