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Material UI table with local or remote data-source. Featuring filtering, sorting, free-text search, export to CSV locally, and aggregations.

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Tubular-React is a Material-UI table (or data grid) with local or remote data-source. Featuring:

  • Define a custom layout for columns and cells using render methods.
  • Use a remote or local datasource. Remote datasource use a specific Request and Response format.
  • Sort and filter multiple columns.
  • Free-text search of string columns.
  • Page data. Remote data is paged in the server side.
  • Export data to a CSV file.
  • Print data.

You can try a CodeSandbox demo.

Please visit the Tubular GitHub Page to learn how quickly you can start coding. See Related projects below to discover more Tubular libraries and backend solutions.

Table of contents

  • Table of contents
    • Installation
    • Usages
      • DataGrid
      • DataGrid with a remote data source
      • DataGrid with a local data source
      • Tubular react in a grid list
      • Run integrated sample
    • i18n Support
    • Related Projects


$ npm install tubular-react --save


You can check the documentation of the components at https://unosquare.github.io/tubular/tubular-react


You can start using DataGrid with this sample code. The grid will connect to a remote datasource or have a local datasource depending on what it's passed in the dataSource property.

To create Column you have to use createColumn function and have to pass the desired name of column as string.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import { DataGrid } from 'tubular-react';
import {createColumn} from "tubular-common";

const columns = [createColumn('OrderID'), createColumn('CustomerName'), createColumn('ShipperCity')];

const SampleGrid = () => (
    <DataGrid columns={columns} dataSource={'https://tubular.azurewebsites.net/api/orders/paged'} gridName="Grid" />

ReactDOM.render(<SampleGrid />, document.getElementById('root'));

This is a preview of the previous code:


DataGrid with a remote data source

It is possible to display data from a remote source.


Edit RemoteDataGrid -Example

DataGrid with a local data source

It is possible to display data from a local data source.


Edit LocalDataGrid -Example

Tubular react in a grid list

Tubular can also be used to render data in a different layout.


Edit GridList -Example

Run integrated sample

There is a sample included in this project, you can run it just by doing the following.

// Install all the dependencies
npm install
// Run the sample project
npm start

i18n Support

Tubular React now includes a brand new Language Service that will translate the content of the grid to a preferred language. Devs can also implement content on their language and import it to use this language. By default, Tubular React comes with implementations in English and Spanish. If any key content needs parameters to include in the translation, devs can pass the parameters in the translate function.

import { Lang } from 'tubular-react';

Lang.translate('PageNum', 16);
// => 'Page 16'

Related Projects

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Tubular Common Library Javascript/Typescript Tubular Common provides TypeScript and Javascript models and data transformer to use any Tubular DataGrid component with an array of Javascript objects.
Tubular Dotnet Backend library C#/.NET Core Tubular provides .NET Framework and .NET Core Library to create REST service to use with Tubular Angular Components easily with any WebApi library (ASP.NET Web API for example).
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