uno.check icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
uno.check copied to clipboard

More text contrast for "bold blue" text on dark themes?

Open patridge opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Not sure how easy it is to detect and adjust output according to the user's current background color, but on anything less than my laptop screen's highest brightness setting, it was really hard to read the [bold blue] output (PowerShell 7.1.3 in Windows Terminal, if it helps).

Screenshot of Uno Check output, showing the tool output that includes bold blue text (hex shorthand 0 0 F) on a black background (hex 0).

I know it's going to be specific to the user environment outside of the tool's direct control, but it could be nice to have it adapt colors as best as it can. If it helps to have some outside evaluation, WebAIM identified the contrast as 2.44:1, with a target in of 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.

patridge avatar May 18 '21 17:05 patridge

Thanks for the feedback.

Interestingly on my machine, (again a Windows Terminal Powershell window) the [bold blue] renders to a much more readable shade (5.3:1 according to the contrast checker). So as you say, this seems to be something really specific to the user environment.


Perhaps it would make sense to add a 'plain mode' flag that gives an option to simply render all text in the terminal's default color?

davidjohnoliver avatar May 27 '21 10:05 davidjohnoliver