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CoreHook Windows Function Intercept Module

CoreHook Windows Hooking Module

License Releases Build status

For CoreHook, the Microsoft Detours package serves as a good binary hooking module since it supports x86, x86_64, ARM, and ARM64, while EasyHook only supports x86 and x86_64. Since .NET Core supports the two ARM architectures, we can implement the necessary changes to support those architectures for CoreHook.

Supported Platforms

X86, X64, and ARM. If you have a Windows on ARM device to test ARM64 with, pull requests and contributions are all welcome!

Binary Releases

You can download the pre-built Windows binaries here.

For x86, x64, extract the zip corresponding to your target architecture, then place the corehook32.dll and/or corehook64.dll in the build output directory of your program.

For ARM, ARM64, extract the zip corresponding to your target architecture, then place the corehook32.dll and/or corehook64.dll in the output directory of your published program, created either from using the Publishing Script or the dotnet publish command.


Building the DLL requires Visual Studio and that can be accomplished by using cmake or the tools that come with Visual Studio. This can be the Visual Studio IDE or msbuild within the Developer Command Prompt.


You can build the library using CMake by running build.cmd, which builds the library for the x86 and x64 architectures. This also gives you the option to generate and build the library with an older version of Visual Studio such as VS 2015 or VS 2013.

Visual Studio

You can find the Visual Studio solution inside the msvc folder. You can choose a configuration (Debug|Release) and a platform (X86|X64|ARM|ARM64) and build.

An example for building the X64 corehook64.dll in the Release configuration:

msbuild msvc/corehook/detours.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
msbuild msvc/corehook/corehook.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64

To build the entire solution (which also builds the library tests), you can run:

nuget restore msvc/corehook.sln
msbuild msvc/corehook.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64


  • For X86, the output directory is bin/x86 and the output file is corehook32.dll.
  • For X64, the output directory is bin/x64 and the output file is corehook64.dll.
  • For ARM, the output directory is bin/ARM and the output file is corehook32.dll.
  • For ARM64, the output directory is bin/ARM64 and the output file is corehook64.dll.

Copy the desired file for your target architecture to the output directory of the program that uses CoreHook.


The hooking module is mostly based on the EasyHook native module and the Microsoft Detours library and this library wouldn't be possible without them. They are both MIT-licensed.