I will try this today. I will come back to you, soon.
Sadly I'm unable to get my docker running.. With my old version from idf v.4.3.5 I get the message that I must use v5 of idf. Using the newer versions...
Thanks for the info. My problem actually was an old build directory with a reference to an old cmake version. I could flash to the AI thinker and I found...
> @unknown0816 noise problem should be fixed with latest commit Okay. I will test it. Unfortunately, I won't be able to test it today, but I will try to do...
@CarlosDerSeher Sadly, I still getting the noise. The main difference is that on my board the noise is all the time.. Not only during booting.
@CarlosDerSeher Even during playing I get the noise.. So it is always there. During Muting the sound stops, but the noise is still there.
Yes. For the volume setting I changed the calculation like posted in other PRs and it works fine.. I tried to undo some of your changes in the es8388.c, but...
Nope. Still having the noice if I undo the changes in this function. I would say it is a white noise, but I'm not sure ;)
Yes. I will try to find the source of the noise.. But this will take some time. ;)
Sadly, I couldn't find the problem yet, but I found out that the noise starts when the first audio is played. So if I startup the board and the audio...