Ivy Feraco

Results 73 issues of Ivy Feraco

We want to retire BQ API for a time period and use Fleet Management as the backend project in bootcamp. NQ API was well suited since there was the Client...


Introduce a workflow to automate our release steps https://github.com/Laboratoria/curriculum/blob/main/DEPLOYMENT.md Tentative plan: When a PR is opened in this repo to be merged into `next` (with a certain naming convention like...


e2e test de addUser compara con `_id` y password - pero no deberia tener password y es `id` sin guion

good first issue

para otros coaches pueden leer y saber las reglas y pautas de como crear OAs en la curricula ej: - kebab-case - keys unicos - es y pt versiones


Para ayudar las estudiantes (y coaches) cumplir el proyecto en menos sprints pensamos en ideas: - [x] #1686 - [ ] incluimos los tests (o al menos el bolierplate) para...

content-design: voice-tone micro-content (cambio) visual-content (nuevo)

There are various tests in `topics/` that use chai with require, we need to change to ESM import if we are to use the new version (maybe its not that...


Devs not using linux/unix based OS have had problems with mdlint Propose the use of https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/ which is more maintained. * Has VSC extension * node CLI https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/?tab=readme-ov-file#related We can...


Ya que el cohort DEV012 esta cumpliendo Dataverse, recopilamos data para responder: * cuantas sprints toman * que dificultades tienen en los sprint checkouts


Adds to build.mjs using curriculum-parser to generate learning-objectives.json file (if not validating) Comparing the output json of `dist/learning-objectives.json` to [what is in the curriculum now](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Laboratoria/curriculum/main/dist/learning-objectives.json) there was [no difference]