unkit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
unkit copied to clipboard

📙 UnJS standard library


UnJS standard library

This package aggregates a collection of useful packages from unjs for ease of use.

💿 Install

Install using npm or yarn:

npm i unkit
# or
yarn add unkit

Import a subpath:

// ESM / Typescript
import { pascalCase  } from 'unkit/string'

// CommonJS
const { pascalCase } = require('unkit/string')

💡 Note: Please always explicitly install unkit dependency even if it is already installed by another package in node_modules.

Check ⬆️ Upgrading Guide for upgrading versions.

📙 Libraries

Libraries are exposed via semantic subpaths. Refer to each package documentation for available utilities.

Subpath Packages
unkit/env unjs/std-env
unkit/esm unjs/mlly
unkit/fetch unjs/ohmyfetch
unkit/http unjs/h3, unjs/is-https
unkit/object unjs/defu, unjs/destr
unkit/promise unjs/items-promise
unkit/string unjs/scule
unkit/url unjs/ufo


Useful environment information of running code.

👉 See unjs/std-env for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import {  production, dev } from 'unkit/env'

// CommonJS
const { production, dev } = require('unkit/env')


Missing ECMaScript module utils for Node.js

👉 See unjs/mlly for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { createCommonJS, resolve } from 'unkit/esm'


A better fetch API. Works on node, browser, and workers

👉 See unjs/ohmyfetch for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { $fetch } from 'unkit/fetch'

// CommonJS
const { $fetch } = require('unkit/fetch')


Helpers for creating HTTP servers

👉 See unjs/h3 and unjs/is-https for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { useBody, isHTTPS } from 'unkit/http'

// CommonJS
const { useBody, isHTTPS } = require('unkit/http')


Utilities for working with objects and serialization

👉 See unjs/defu and unjs/destr for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { defaults, parseJSON } from 'unkit/object'

// CommonJS
const { defaults, parseJSON } = require('unkit/object')


Promise utils

👉 See unjs/items-promise for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { serial, parallel } from 'unkit/promise'

// CommonJS
const { serial, parallel } = require('unkit/promise')


String manipulation utils

👉 See unjs/scule for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { snakeCase, upperFirst } from 'unkit/string'

// CommonJS
const { snakeCase, upperFirst } = require('unkit/string')


Utilities to work with URLs

👉 See unjs/ufo for more information.

// ESM / Typescript
import { joinURL, withQuery } from 'unkit/url'

// CommonJS
const { joinURL, withQuery } = require('unkit/url')

⬆️ Upgrading

Unkit uses npm dependencies with caret range, this means when you freshly install unkit, the latest features and fixes of sub-dependencies are installed. For upgrading we have two choices:

  • Use npm up unkit or yarn upgrade unkit: This will update the lock-file with minimal risk to the latest versions.
  • Remove package-lock.json or yarn.lock and reinstall dependencies with npm i or yarn this will update all nested dependencies to the latest.
