ofetch copied to clipboard
`undefined` responses when used with React Native
React Native (all versions)
It is difficult to provide a react-native starter as I'm not a specialist, and it will require that you install and setup everything to start a react-native project. Instead, you could rely on my detailed investigation
Describe the bug
in the light of this issue,
Looking deeper into the commit linked by @pi0 to close the issue, and having the same issue as @gtjamesa (responses are all undefined
), it seems that this commit will not fix the undefined
responses issue.
I dug into ofetch
source code and did my own investigation. It appears that there is a boolean hasBody
which checks if response.body
exists, as expected in fetch Response spec, see: https://github.com/unjs/ofetch/blob/bb2d72baa5d3f332a2185c20fc04e35d2c3e258d/src/fetch.ts#L172-L173
Yet, only these fields are available in the response
object returned by fetch
in React Native:
, _bodyInit
, bodyUsed
, headers
, status
, statusText
, type
Indeed, react-native uses whatwg-fetch polyfill.
We can easily see in whatwg-fetch source code that all these keys are defined by the polyfill on this
, but not body
The correct answer would be to create an issue on whatwg-fetch
so that they update their code and comply with Fetch API, and then create an issue on React Native to use this updated library, and then update React Native. Nevertheless, this process can take a while, and (as it is the case for our projects) many React Native projects are stuck to older versions because they depend on other libs that breaks and haven't updated yet and an update to the latest is very difficult.
The shorter answer would be to adapt ofetch
so that it also checks specific whatwg-fetch
fields in the response to know if a body is available.
What do you think ?
Additional context
No response
No response
I can confirm that the issue still exist today. Can replicate from default expo template and adding ofetch
somewhere in the code. Example:
npx create-expo-app myapp -t expo-template-blank-typescript
import { StatusBar } from "expo-status-bar";
import { Text, View } from "react-native";
import useAsync from "@/hooks/useAsync";
import { ofetch } from "ofetch";
export default function App() {
const result = useAsync(() => ofetch("http://example.com"), []);
console.log('result:', result);
return (
<Text>Hello RN!</Text>
<StatusBar style="auto" />
The bug:
It seems this has long been an issue with react native https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/27741
According to the author of whatwg-fetch. The react native team would need to make their own implementation of fetch since whatwg-fetch was intended for legacy browsers not other platforms https://github.com/JakeChampion/fetch/issues/746#issuecomment-573251497
Sorry, I should note that these issues I linked are specific to streamed responses, but it seems react native has long had issues with the way "Fetch" has worked in their library.
Btw the quick fix for this seems to be
const hasBody =
// react native whatwg-fetch check
((context.response as any)._bodyInit || context.response.body) &&
!nullBodyResponses.has(context.response.status) &&
context.options.method !== "HEAD";
Turns out we don't have to check for all the different fields whatwg-fetch sets, because it always sets the __bodyInit field. I tested on latest react native expo starter and it works. I'm willing to open a PR if this is the direction the team wants to go in. It seems like a pretty low overhead change.
Streams will still be broken, but I might be able to get it working with a polyfill on the react native side.
I've opened a PR with the solution I outlined above. I tested with the latest expo starter app and everything seems to work fine.
I've also created an issue in whatwg-fetch. https://github.com/JakeChampion/fetch/issues/1454
Hopefully this will eventually get the ball rolling for this problem to be fixed in react-native itself. Although I suspect that it will take some time for everything to move downstream to react-native. Feel free to give it a thumbs-up over there so that they know there's interest in getting it fixed.