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Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
Awaiting Schedule
These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.
- [ ] chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency chokidar to v4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency croner to v9
- [ ] chore(deps): update devdependency @azure/functions to v4
- [ ] chore(deps): update devdependency @azure/static-web-apps-cli to v2
- [ ] chore(deps): update devdependency firebase-functions to v6
Detected dependencies
undocs ^0.2.30
node 20.18.0
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
autofix-ci/action ff86a557419858bb967097bfc916833f5647fa8c
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
oven-sh/setup-bun v2
@cloudflare/kv-asset-handler ^0.3.4
@netlify/functions ^2.8.2
@rollup/plugin-alias ^5.1.1
@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^28.0.1
@rollup/plugin-inject ^5.0.5
@rollup/plugin-json ^6.1.0
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^15.3.0
@rollup/plugin-replace ^6.0.1
@rollup/plugin-terser ^0.4.4
@rollup/pluginutils ^5.1.2
@types/http-proxy ^1.17.15
@vercel/nft ^0.27.4
archiver ^7.0.1
c12 2.0.1
chokidar ^3.6.0
citty ^0.1.6
compatx ^0.1.8
confbox ^0.1.8
consola ^3.2.3
cookie-es ^1.2.2
croner ^8.1.2
crossws ^0.3.1
db0 ^0.2.1
defu ^6.1.4
destr ^2.0.3
dot-prop ^9.0.0
esbuild ^0.24.0
escape-string-regexp ^5.0.0
etag ^1.8.1
fs-extra ^11.2.0
globby ^14.0.2
gzip-size ^7.0.0
h3 ^1.13.0
hookable ^5.5.3
httpxy ^0.1.5
ioredis ^5.4.1
jiti ^2.3.3
klona ^2.0.6
knitwork ^1.1.0
listhen ^1.9.0
magic-string ^0.30.12
magicast ^0.3.5
mime ^4.0.4
mlly ^1.7.2
mri ^1.2.0
node-fetch-native ^1.6.4
ofetch ^1.4.1
ohash ^1.1.4
openapi-typescript ^7.4.1
pathe ^1.1.2
perfect-debounce ^1.0.0
pkg-types ^1.2.1
pretty-bytes ^6.1.1
radix3 ^1.1.2
rollup ^4.24.0
rollup-plugin-visualizer ^5.12.0
scule ^1.3.0
semver ^7.6.3
serve-placeholder ^2.0.2
serve-static ^1.16.2
std-env ^3.7.0
ufo ^1.5.4
uncrypto ^0.1.3
unctx ^2.3.1
unenv ^1.10.0
unimport ^3.13.1
unstorage ^1.12.0
untyped ^1.5.1
unwasm ^0.3.9
@azure/functions ^3.5.1
@azure/static-web-apps-cli ^1.1.10
@cloudflare/workers-types ^4.20241018.0
@deno/types ^0.0.1
@scalar/api-reference ^1.25.46
@types/archiver ^6.0.2
@types/aws-lambda ^8.10.145
@types/estree ^1.0.6
@types/etag ^1.8.3
@types/fs-extra ^11.0.4
@types/node-fetch ^2.6.11
@types/semver ^7.5.8
@types/serve-static ^1.15.7
@types/xml2js ^0.4.14
@vitest/coverage-v8 ^2.1.3
automd ^0.3.12
better-sqlite3 ^11.4.0
changelogen ^0.5.7
edge-runtime ^3.0.3
eslint ^9.13.0
eslint-config-unjs 0.4.1
execa ^9.4.1
expect-type ^1.1.0
firebase-admin ^12.6.0
firebase-functions ^4.9.0
get-port-please ^3.1.2
miniflare ^3.20241011.0
prettier ^3.3.3
typescript ^5.6.3
unbuild 3.0.0-rc.11
undici ^6.20.1
vitest ^2.1.3
xml2js ^0.6.2
xml2js ^0.6.2
node ^16.11.0 || >=17.0.0
undici ^6.20.1
pnpm 9.12.2
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository