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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 11 months ago • 1 comments

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@cloudflare/workers-types ^4.20240314.0 -> ^4.20240512.0 age adoption passing confidence
@types/bun (source) ^1.0.8 -> ^1.1.3 age adoption passing confidence
@types/node (source) ^20.11.28 -> ^20.12.12 age adoption passing confidence
@types/web ^0.0.142 -> ^0.0.147 age adoption passing confidence
automd ^0.3.6 -> ^0.3.7 age adoption passing confidence
eslint-config-unjs ^0.2.1 -> ^0.3.1 age adoption passing confidence
pnpm (source) 9.0.5 -> 9.1.2 age adoption passing confidence
typescript (source) ^5.4.2 -> ^5.4.5 age adoption passing confidence
undocs ^0.2.18 -> ^0.2.21 age adoption passing confidence
wrangler (source) ^3.34.2 -> ^3.57.1 age adoption passing confidence
ws ^8.16.0 -> ^8.17.0 age adoption passing confidence

[!WARNING] Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the Dependency Dashboard for more information.

Release Notes

cloudflare/workerd (@​cloudflare/workers-types)


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microsoft/TypeScript-DOM-Lib-Generator (@​types/web)


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No changes


No changes


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No changes


No changes


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No changes


No changes


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New interfaces

  • TextEvent


  • Element
    • Added: innerHTML
  • HTMLTemplateElement
    • Added: shadowRootClonable, shadowRootDelegatesFocus
  • OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
    • Removed: commit
  • RTCRtpReceiver
    • Added: jitterBufferTarget
  • Selection
    • Added: direction
  • ShadowRoot
    • Added: innerHTML
Non-value types
  • CanvasState
    • Added: isContextLost
  • GlobalEventHandlersEventMap
    • Added: "contextlost", "contextrestored"
  • GlobalEventHandlers
    • Added: oncontextlost, oncontextrestored


No changes


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New interfaces

  • CSSStartingStyleRule


  • CSSStyleDeclaration
    • Added: textWrapStyle
Non-value types
  • GamepadEffectParameters
    • Added: leftTrigger, rightTrigger
  • ShadowRootInit
    • Added: serializable
  • ARIAMixin
    • Added: ariaBrailleLabel, ariaBrailleRoleDescription


No changes

unjs/automd (automd)


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • badges: Support bundlejs (0ab578e)
đź’… Refactors
  • badges: Switch to shields by default (308381c)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors
unjs/eslint-config (eslint-config-unjs)


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compare changes

đź©ą Fixes
  • markdown: Override default rules (4765dd5)
🏡 Chore
  • Remove prerelease script (pnpm why ?!) (a98c465)
❤️ Contributors


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pnpm/pnpm (pnpm)


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Microsoft/TypeScript (typescript)

v5.4.5: TypeScript 5.4.5

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For release notes, check out the release announcement.

For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

Downloads are available on:

v5.4.4: TypeScript 5.4.4

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For release notes, check out the release announcement.

For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

Downloads are available on:

v5.4.3: TypeScript 5.4.3

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For release notes, check out the release announcement.

For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

Downloads are available on:

unjs/undocs (undocs)


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đź©ą Fixes
đź“– Documentation
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

đź©ą Fixes
  • Add hmr hotfix for nitro (0868eaa)
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
🔥 Performance
đź’… Refactors
  • Simplify (5dd64ba)
  • Improve content transformer maintenability (e7244af)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors
cloudflare/workers-sdk (wrangler)


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Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5696 7e97ba8 Thanks @​geelen! - feature: Improved d1 execute --file --remote performance & added support for much larger SQL files within a single transaction.

  • #​5819 63f7acb Thanks @​CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: Show feedback on Pages project deployment failure

    Today, if uploading a Pages Function, or deploying a Pages project fails for whatever reason, there’s no feedback shown to the user. Worse yet, the shown message is misleading, saying the deployment was successful, when in fact it was not:

    ✨ Deployment complete!

    This commit ensures that we provide users with:

    • the correct feedback with respect to their Pages deployment
    • the appropriate messaging depending on the status of their project's deployment status
    • the appropriate logs in case of a deployment failure
  • #​5814 2869e03 Thanks @​CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: Display correct global flags in wrangler pages --help

    Running wrangler pages --help will list, amongst others, the following global flags:

    -j, --experimental-json-config
    -c, --config
    -e, --env
    -h, --help
    -v, --version

    This is not accurate, since flags such as --config, --experimental-json-config, or env are not supported by Pages.

    This commit ensures we display the correct global flags that apply to Pages.

  • #​5818 df2daf2 Thanks @​WalshyDev! - chore: Deprecate usage of the deployment object on the unsafe metadata binding in favor of the new version_metadata binding.

    If you're currently using the old binding, please move over to the new version_metadata binding by adding:

    binding = "CF_VERSION_METADATA"

    and updating your usage accordingly. You can find the docs for the new binding here:

Patch Changes
  • #​5838 609debd Thanks @​petebacondarwin! - fix: update undici to the latest version to avoid a potential vulnerability

  • #​5832 86a6e09 Thanks @​petebacondarwin! - fix: do not allow non-string values in bulk secret uploads

    Prior to Wrangler 3.4.0 we displayed an error if the user tried to upload a JSON file that contained non-string secrets, since these are not supported by the Cloudflare backend.

    This change reintroduces that check to give the user a helpful error message rather than a cryptic workers.api.error.invalid_script_config error code.


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Minor Changes
Patch Changes
  • #​5813 9627cef Thanks @​GregBrimble! - fix: Upload Pages project assets with more grace

    • Reduces the maximum bucket size from 50 MiB to 40 MiB.
    • Reduces the maximum asset count from 5000 to 2000.
    • Allows for more retries (with increased sleep between attempts) when encountering an API gateway failure.
  • Updated dependencies [0725f6f, 89b6d7f]:


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Minor Changes
  • #​5570 66bdad0 Thanks @​sesteves! - feature: support delayed delivery in the miniflare's queue simulator.

    This change updates the miniflare's queue broker to support delayed delivery of messages, both when sending the message from a producer and when retrying the message from a consumer.

Patch Changes
  • #​5740 97741db Thanks @​WalshyDev! - chore: log "Version ID" in wrangler deploy, wrangler deployments list, wrangler deployments view and wrangler rollback to support migration from the deprecated "Deployment ID". Users should update any parsing to use "Version ID" before "Deployment ID" is removed.

  • #​5754 f673c66 Thanks @​RamIdeas! - fix: when using custom builds, the wrangler dev proxy server was sometimes left in a paused state

    This could be observed as the browser loading indefinitely, after saving a source file (unchanged) when using custom builds. This is now fixed by ensuring the proxy server is unpaused after a short timeout period.

  • Updated dependencies [66bdad0, 9b4af8a]:


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Patch Changes
  • #​5091 6365c90 Thanks @​Cherry! - fix: better handle dashes and other invalid JS identifier characters in wrangler types generation for vars, bindings, etc.

    Previously, with the following in your wrangler.toml, an invalid types file would be generated:

    some-var = "foobar"

    Now, the generated types file will be valid:

    interface Env {
    	"some-var": "foobar";
  • #​5748 27966a4 Thanks @​penalosa! - fix: Load sourcemaps relative to the entry directory, not cwd.

  • #​5746 1dd9f7e Thanks @​petebacondarwin! - fix: suggest trying to update Wrangler if there is a newer one available after an unexpected error

  • #​5226 f63e7a5 Thanks @​DaniFoldi! - fix: remove second Wrangler banner from wrangler dispatch-namespace rename


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Minor Changes
  • #​5604 327a456 Thanks @​dario-piotrowicz! - feat: add support for environments in getPlatformProxy

    allow getPlatformProxy to target environments by allowing users to specify an environment option

    Example usage:

    const { env } = await getPlatformProxy({
    	environment: "production",
Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5666 81d9615 Thanks @​CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: Fix Pages config validation around Durable Objects

    Today Pages cannot deploy Durable Objects itself. For this reason it is mandatory that when declaring Durable Objects bindings in the config file, the script_name is specified. We are currently not failing validation if script_name is not specified but we should. These changes fix that.

Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5587 d95450f Thanks @​CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: pages functions build-env should throw error if invalid Pages config file is found

  • #​5572 65aa21c Thanks @​CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: fix pages function build-env to exit with code rather than throw fatal error

    Currently pages functions build-env throws a fatal error if a config file does not exit, or if it is invalid. This causes issues for the CI system. We should instead exit with a specific code, if any of those situations arises.

  • #​5291 ce00a44 Thanks @​pmiguel! - feature: Added bespoke OAuth scope for Queues management.

Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5429 c5561b7 Thanks @​ocsfrank! - R2 will introduce storage classes soon. Wrangler allows you to interact with storage classes once it is enabled on your account.

    Wrangler supports an -s flag that allows the user to specify a storage class when creating a bucket, changing the default storage class of a bucket, and uploading an object.

    wrangler r2 bucket create ia-bucket -s InfrequentAccess
    wrangler r2 bucket update storage-class my-bucket -s InfrequentAccess
    wrangler r2 object put bucket/ia-object -s InfrequentAccess --file foo
Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


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Minor Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5282 b7ddde1 Thanks @​maxwellpeterson! - feature: Add source map support for Workers

    Adds the source_maps boolean config option. When enabled, source maps included in the build output are uploaded alongside the built code modules. Uploaded source maps can then be used to remap stack traces emitted by the Workers runtime.

  • #​5215 cd03d1d Thanks @​GregBrimble! - feature: support named entrypoints in service bindings

    This change allows service bindings to bind to a named export of another Worker. As an example, consider the following Worker named bound:

    import { WorkerEntrypoint } from "cloudflare:workers";
    export class EntrypointA extends WorkerEntrypoint {
    	fetch(request) {
    		return new Response("Hello from entrypoint A!");
    export const entrypointB: ExportedHandler = {
    	fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    		return new Response("Hello from entrypoint B!");
    export default <ExportedHandler>{
    	fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    		return new Response("Hello from the default entrypoint!");

    Up until now, you could only bind to the default entrypoint. With this change, you can bind to EntrypointA or entrypointB too using the new entrypoint option:

    binding = "SERVICE"
    service = "bound"
    entrypoint = "EntrypointA"

    To bind to named entrypoints with wrangler pages dev, use the # character:

    $ wrangler pages dev --service=SERVICE=bound#EntrypointA
Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5377 5d68744 Thanks @​CarmenPopoviciu! - feat: Add wrangler.toml support in wrangler pages deploy

    As we are adding wrangler.toml support for Pages, we want to ensure that wrangler pages deploy works with a configuration file.

  • #​5471 489b9c5 Thanks @​zebp! - feature: Add version-id filter for Worker tailing to filter logs by scriptVersion in a gradual deployment

    This allows users to only get logs in a gradual deployment if you are troubleshooting issues specific to one deployment. Example: npx wrangler tail --version-id 72d3f357-4e52-47c5-8805-90be978c403f

Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5461 f69e562 Thanks @​mattdeboard! - feature: Add command for fetching R2 Event Notification configurations for a given bucket

    This allows users to see the entire event notification configuration -- i.e. every rule for every configured queue -- for a single bucket with a single request.

    This change also improves messaging of console output when creating a new bucket notification.

Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
Patch Changes


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Minor Changes
  • #​5371 77152f3 Thanks @​G4brym! - feature: remove requirement for @cloudflare/ai package to use Workers AI

    Previously, to get the correct Workers AI API, you needed to wrap your env.AI binding with new Ai() from @cloudflare/ai. This change moves the contents of @cloudflare/ai into the Workers runtime itself, meaning env.AI is now an instance of Ai, without the need for wrapping.

Patch Changes


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Minor Changes


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Minor Changes


đź“… Schedule: Branch creation - "after 2am and before 3am" (UTC), Automerge - "after 1am and before 2am" (UTC).

🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

â™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

đź‘» Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

renovate[bot] avatar Mar 22 '24 02:03 renovate[bot]