I have similar issue, version 13 CE and ubuntu 18. backup to local folder and is set to execute once a day in the morning but it creates a lot...
in my case it seems setting max_cron_threads = 1 solved the issue, 5 days in a row and no duplicates backup files.
> o_O Do you see timeouts in the logs which rejumped this cron? I don't know how to search for that. If you point me how I'll check it
here is the output, it seems not recent errors xdev@oserver:~$ sudo grep -Rn "ERROR" /var/log/odoo13c/odoo13c-server.log 365:2020-12-18 16:23:28,148 7901 ERROR dev_base_modules2 odoo.modules.loading: Some modules are not loaded, some dependencies or manifest...
2021 ? not sure why the paste did not show properly, I see only dates from 2020 https://pastebin.com/D3gF2rnU
hahaha I also noticed that and is kinda weird, but I cheked and the log file it seems to be working ok it has plenty of messages everyday including today,...
no rows found with "killed" or "KILLED", also tried with "kill" but only shows 2 rows from 2020.