log显示 [HTML5 Player] Sorry, could not find any mp4 video.
I configure the key.yaml as follows: ``` OPENAI_API_TYPE: "azure" OPENAI_API_BASE: "https://xxx.openai.azure.com" OPENAI_API_KEY: "xxx" OPENAI_API_VERSION: "2023-03-15" DEPLOYMENT_ID: "gpt-35-turbo" ``` and run as: ``` docker run --rm --privileged -v /opt/metagpt/config/key.yaml:/app/metagpt/config/key.yaml -v /opt/metagpt/workspace:/app/metagpt/workspace...
I'm running MetaGPT using docker and run into this error: ``` 2023-08-21 02:31:22.735 | INFO | metagpt.utils.mermaid:mermaid_to_file:40 - Generating /app/metagpt/workspace/snake_game_cli/resources/competitive_analysis.pdf.. Error: Failed to launch the browser process! Error: Can't open...
The latest tag is : `0.18.8.rc2-master-20200820-alpine-3.12.0-x86_64` I can't use `docker pull pdf2htmlex/pdf2htmlex` to get the image unless `docker pull pdf2htmlex/pdf2htmlex:0.18.8.rc2-master-20200820-alpine-3.12.0-x86_64` The image is created at 3 years ago, it's too...
D:\bazel\qt-bazel-example>bazel build //hello_world:main ................. DEBUG: C:/users/12583/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_12583/qytsa17g/external/bazel_tools/tools/cpp/lib_cc_configure.bzl:37:3: Auto-Configuration Warning: 'BAZEL_VC' is not set, start looking for the latest Visual C++ installed. DEBUG: C:/users/12583/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_12583/qytsa17g/external/bazel_tools/tools/cpp/lib_cc_configure.bzl:37:3: Auto-Configuration Warning: Looking for VS%VERSION%COMNTOOLS environment variables,eg. VS140COMNTOOLS...
* **Electron-Builder Version**: v24.13.3 * **Node Version**: v18.17.0 * **Electron Version**: 27.1.2 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: [6.2.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/electron-updater/v/6.2.1) * **Target**: I have to use ``` build: { script: "installer.nsi"...
close #2969 ## Pull Request Checklist - [x] Related tickets or issues have been linked in the PR description (or missing issue). - [x] [Naming convention](https://github.com/dream-num/univer/blob/dev/docs/NAMING_CONVENTION.md) is followed (**do please**...