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A udp plugin for capacitor!
Capacitor UDP
UDP Plugin for Capacitor inspired from cordova-plugin-chrome-apps-sockets-udp! Support both IPv6 and IPv4, multicast and broadcast!
For debugging, check out the Udper app developed using this plugin!
With capacitor, it is possible to write following code:
async function process (){
try {
await UdpPlugin.closeAllSockets();
let info = await UdpPlugin.create();
await UdpPlugin.bind({ socketId: info.socketId, port: 5500})
await UdpPlugin.send({ socketId: info.socketId, address: targetAddress, port: 6000, buffer: UdpPluginUtils.bufferToString(data)}) })
} catch {
Isn't it amazing!
$ npm install capacitor-udp
For android development, don't forget to add the plugin class in the MainActivity!
TypeScript Special Mention!!!
declare module '@capacitor/core'
sometimes fail to work as expected. I guess the dirty solution like changing the core-plugin-definitions.ts might be the most trust-worthy solution.
For instance,
import { Plugin, PluginListenerHandle } from './definitions';
import {IUdpPlugin} from "capacitor-udp"
export interface PluginRegistry {
Accessibility: AccessibilityPlugin;
App: AppPlugin;
BackgroundTask: BackgroundTaskPlugin;
Browser: BrowserPlugin;
// .............
[pluginName: string]: {
[prop: string]: any;
import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core";
const { UdpPlugin } = Plugins;
import {UdpPluginUtils} from "capacitor-udp"; // if you want support for converting between ArrayBuffer and String
For intellisense or typescript, you might need to edit the file in @capacitor/core/dist/esm/core-plugin-definitions.ts. Make sure that this file is actually loaded, since there might be other node_modules folders.
API Reference
The api is to some extent similar to Chrome UDP API , but with the taste of capacitor!
- create
- update
- bind
- send
- close
- closeAllSockets
- setBroadcast
- getSockets
- joinGroup
- leaveGroup
- getJoinedGroups
- setPaused
- setMulticastLoopbackMode
- receive
- receiveError
Create a socket for udp, and you can create more than one differentiated by the socket id.
UdpPlugin.create({properties: { name: "yourSocketName", bufferSize: 2048 }} ).then(res=>{socketId = res.socketId});
Update the socket info including socket name and buffer size.
UdpPlugin.update( {socketId: yourSocketId, properties: { name: "socketname", bufferSize: 2048 }} )
You need to bind a socket before sending and receiving data.
UdpPlugin.bind({ socketId: yourSocketId, port: 5000})
Capacitor doesn't support Arraybuffer for now, so I need to convert ArrayBuffer to base64 string. I have provided a util function to help you achieve that!
UdpPlugin.send({ socketId: yourSocketId, address: targetAddress, port: 6000, buffer: bufferString}) // bufferString is of type string
UdpPlugin.send({ socketId: yourSocketId, address: targetAddress, port: 6000, buffer: UdpPluginUtils.bufferToString(data)}) // data is of type ArrayBuffer
Close one socket
UdpPlugin.close({ socketId: yourSocketId })
Close All Sockets
Set Broadcast
After enabling broadcasting, you can send data with target address
UdpPlugin.setBroadcast({socketId: yourSocketId,enabled: enableBroadcastOrNot})
Get Sockets
Obtain all the sockets available.
//res contains sockets...
Join Group
Join a particular group address. For IPv4, it's like "". For IPv6, it's like "ff02::08".
UdpPlugin.joinGroup({socketId: yourSocketId, address: multicastAddress})
Leave Group
UdpPlugin.leaveGroup({socketId: yourSocketId, address: multicastAddress})
Get Joined Groups
UdpPlugin.getJoinedGroups({ socketId: yourSocketId }).then(res=>{
// res contains your group addresses
Set Paused
Pause receiving data.
UdpPlugin.setPaused({socketId: yourSocketId,paused: pauseOrNot})
Set Multicast Loopback Mode
UdpPlugin.setMulticastLoopbackMode({socketId: yourSocketId, enabled: enabledOrNot})
Receive Event
UdpPlugin.addListener("receive", data => {
yourArrayBuffer = UdpPluginUtils.stringToBuffer(data)
For understanding ArrayBuffer, you can refer to Typed Arrays
Receive Error Event
UdpPlugin.addListener("receiveError", error => {console.log(error)});