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A better website

Open konklone opened this issue 10 years ago • 2 comments

@vzvenyach kindly got us started at with a transform on

But I think the best landing page would have a more prominent example, a dynamic demo, and just a generally different pitch.

@adelevie's is an inspiring foundation for how a dynamic demo might work.

konklone avatar May 10 '14 15:05 konklone


tmcw avatar May 10 '14 19:05 tmcw

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

There's some tweaking I'm going to do before declaring this resolved, but this is a huge lift for the project. Thank you, @tmcw! And thanks @adelevie for the inspiration with downlaw!

konklone avatar May 10 '14 19:05 konklone