Homa Wong

Results 372 comments of Homa Wong

Yes. monkeytype and keybr both support this feature. Its actually a keyboard emulation. It would be good for people who doesn't really have the alternative layouts be able to try...

FYI here is the implementation in type-plus: https://github.com/unional/type-plus/blob/main/ts/array/array.ts#L17

May relate to this: https://github.com/panuhorsmalahti/gulp-tslint/issues/95

Thanks. I take a quick look into the code, but couldn't identify where does it get the default path. :( btw, is there a `esbuild-why` similar to `webpack-why`? (Or if...

> For ESM, you need to specify import Turns out I don't have to. The package is that small. :) On the other hand, I'm getting these warnings from `esbuild`...

> It should detects it automatically by package.type It does, which is the problem here. because under `type: module`, you can export both ESM and CommonJS (as seen in the...

TypeScript (including the latest 4.7) does not support that.

🤣 no problem. ESM migration with TypeScript is hell x 2. Here are some links related to it if you are interested: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/49083 https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/49271 https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/49335

> @unional, if understand correctly, it seems that's necessary to inject `.js` extensions into `.ts/.d.ts` but rename `target/cjs/*.js` to`.cjs`. What I understand is to these two things: - add `.js`...