Homa Wong

Results 275 comments of Homa Wong

For me, what I ended up doing is to create different sets of snapshots for different OS/platform.

https://github.com/justland/just-web-react/actions/runs/5792587155/job/15699083890 ```sh Expected image to match or be a close match to snapshot but was 0.06825086805555555% different from snapshot (629 differing pixels). ``` I have this case where the snapshot...

> How did you do that? I do this: ```js customSnapshotsDir: `${process.cwd()}/__snapshots__/${process.platform}` ```

Referencing a similar question regarding interfaces on [SO](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54501121/typescript-class-doesnt-impelement-interface-types/54501288#54501288) and complication on implementing multiple interfaces: ```ts interface X { foo(i: string): string } interface Y { foo(x: number): number } class...

Note that in both `preVisit` and `postVisit` the value of `canvasElement` is `undefined` at runtime. Not sure if that is intentional or it's a bug. In either way the type...

No problem, just also adding the issue here so that other people can find this issue. You can add an `external dependency` label to the issue if you want to...

My case seems to be an edge case. When the `buffer.active.y` is `0`. i.e. at the top of the viewport. I tried doing the same thing when `y` is not...

I have CI job hang indefinitely until the CI timed out (6h) https://github.com/repobuddy/repobuddy/actions/runs/8490047264/job/23260750272 Also observe the same issue on Macbook randomly, from multiple people. related: #7057

Sure, it's pretty random. I experienced that locally mostly on a private repo related to work. Not running build or doing development of repobuddy on work laptop. :) Somehow it...

I need to look up which project was using `ts-patch` (it is likely a private repo). Basically I was doing `tspc -b tsconfig.build.json` which the `tsconfig.bulid.json` has the `references` as...