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xcode archives / release old builds when using unimodules
I'm using unimodules expo-local authentication library in my bare RN app. It builds & works well in debug mode. However if we build in release mode or if we archive ipa, xcode builds old version of code (first ever version I guess)
I tried all the possibilities like clearing cache, deleting node modules, rebuilding from scratch, generating new bundle using : "react-native bundle --entry-file index.js --platform ios --dev false --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios"
Still the same issue. I've been struggling for the past 2 weeks with this. Kindly fix this.
React Native v0.63.2 Xcode v12.2 Mac OS Big Sur v11.2
This issue has been faced many users. 1.Create a RN project 2.Install unimodules expo-local-authentication in the project 4.Run xcode in release mode 5.Make some changes in js code, 6.Build (or archive) again in xcode 7.Observe the difference between the builds.
No error message thrown anywhere . However it builds older version!
Just figured out this is the issue I've been stuck on too. Did you ever find a fix?