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The Unified AI Framework

Results 818 ivy issues
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Add [Non-linear activation functions](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.functional.html#non-linear-activation-functions) to PyTorch frontend: - [x] #4039 - [x] #4040 - [ ] #2457 - [ ] relu_ - [ ] hardtanh - [ ] hardtanh_ -...

PyTorch Frontend

Add [Linear Algebra functions ](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.linalg.html) to Numpy frontend: - [ ] dot - [ ] linalg.multi_dot - [ ] vdot - [ ] inner - [ ] outer - [...

NumPy Frontend

As explained in the function reformatting [open task](https://lets-unify.ai/ivy/contributing/4_open_tasks.html#function-formatting), each function in the [elementwise](https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/blob/master/ivy/functional/ivy/elementwise.py) submodule should be updated to follow the implementation instructions given in the [Deep Dive](https://lets-unify.ai/ivy/deep_dive.html) section of the...

Function Reformatting

[ ] #Issue_num

A few changes in library requirements for M1-based MacBooks. Currently testing Mxnet by building it from the source.

let me know if anything needs changing - [ ] get_min_base #2470