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:notebook_with_decorative_cover: :books: A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications)

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This PR adds next-api-middleware to the Extensions section.

Hey there, I wrote `How to Next.js`, an overview of Next.js: I'd like to add it to your repository. What do you think? Thanks!

## Next.js Tailwind Starter A Next.js boilerplate based on [Next-js-Boilerplate]( - a very recent codebase. The difference is that Next.js Tailwind Starter comes with custom tailwindcss components (as the name...

## Materio Free MUI React Next. js Admin Template Materio Free MUI React Next. js Admin Template is the most developer-friendly & highly customizable template based on [MUI]( & [...

Prettierignore file * Create this so that prettier ignore all the md file * Without this, prettier will turn `*` to `-` Boilterplates section * Add Blizjs - Full Stack...

[next-password-protect]( contains helpers to add a password prompt to a Next.js project.

A Next.js implementation of the website -