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[FEEDBACK] Simpler formulation of Pattern Selection

Open macchiati opened this issue 4 months ago • 11 comments

I think the algorithm for variant selection is much too complicated. That is, I think we can structure it in a way that gets the same results, but is not as complicated to explain — and matches a simpler and more efficient implementation that (a) doesn’t involve sorting, (b) is single-pass, and (c) can be implemented to have a fast exit.

This was sparked by the discussion around "resolved value" being needed in pattern selection. The 'dot' notation is used for convenience here, but needn't be in the fleshed-out text.

This algorithm avoids the complications involved in sorting, and allows for a single pass to find the best pattern. As in the sorting algorithm, there may be multiple key-lists that are "as good" as one another, and in that case the first of that group is chosen.

Changes from the initial version are in italics — and the Optimizations section is all new.


  • Define a selector-list = 1*(s selector), as in the match-statement production
  • Define a key-list = key *(s key), as in the variant production

The Pattern Selection process depends on two capabilities of selectors:

  • selector.match(key) returns a value in {fail, ok}
  •, key2) returns a value in {worse, same, better}

The compare() is checking to see that key2 is better/same/worse than key2. It is only ever called if key1 and key2 are ok.

Using these, list versions are defined in a natural way (see below for details):

  • selector-list.match(key-list)
  •, key-list2)

Determining which of a message's patterns is formatted

(where there are selectors)

  • Let bestVariant be undefined.
  • For each variant in the list:
    • Let match be selector-list.match(variant.key-list)
    • If match = fail, continue the for-loop
    • Else if bestVariant is undefined, let bestVariant be variant
    • Else if the, bestVariant.key-list) = better, then let bestVariant be variant
    • Continue loop
  • If the loop terminated, return bestVariant
    • // We are guaranteed to have one, since there is a key-list with all *’s

In other words, the result is fail if any selector.match(key) value = fail, else ok.

Determining selector-list.match(key-list)

  • Let result be ok
  • For each selector, key1 in the selector-list, key-list: (ie, taking the i-th element of each list)
    • If key = "*", continue loop
    • Let value be selector.match(toNfc(key))
    • If value = fail, return fail
    • Else continue loop
  • If the loop terminated, return result.

Determining, key-list2)

  • For each selector, key1, key2 in the selector-list, key-list1, key-list2: (ie., taking the i-th element of each list)
    • Let result be, key2)
    • If resultsame, return result
    • Else continue loop
  • If the loop terminated, return same.

Optimizations (Optional)

There are various optimizations that have the same results, but that can improve the performance, sometimes quite significantly.

Best Value

One of them is to modify * selector.match(key) to return an additional value, best. The use of this value allows for early termination. The way it works is that when a key-list is found where every key is best (meaning no other key is better, though other keys could be the same), then the selection process can terminate. If there is no best value (an odd but possible case), the algorithm behaves as before. That involves the following small changes (in italics):


  • selector.match(key) returns a value in {fail, ok, best}

Determining which of a message's patterns is formatted

  • If match = fail, continue the for-loop
  • Else if match = best, return the variant
  • Else if setVariant is undefined, let bestVariant be variant

Determining selector-list.match(key-list)

  • Let result be best
    • If key = "*", let result be ok, and continue loop …
    • Else if value is ok, let result be ok
    • Else continue loop

In other words, the result is fail if any selector.match(key) value = fail, else best if every selector.match(key) value = best, else ok.


In the following, checking for the best value can eliminate (on average) half of the key-list checks in the following set of variants.

.match $v1 $v2
a a {{…}}
a b {{…}}
a c {{…}}
a * {{…}}
b a {{…}}
b b {{…}}
b c {{…}}
b * {{…}}
c a {{…}}
c b {{…}}
c c {{…}}
* * {{…}}

Reducing function calls

The, key2) is only ever called where key2 does not have any fail values. Thus an implementation need only call one function,, if that function is enhanced to have values: {fails, worse, same, better, best}

  • Let compare-value be
  • If compare-value = fail, continue the for-loop
  • Else if compare-value = best, return the variant
  • Else if bestVariant is undefined, let bestVariant be variant
  • Else if compare-value = better, then let bestVariant be variant


To determine which variant best matches a given set of inputs, each selector is used in turn to order and filter the list of variants.

Each variant with a key that does not match its corresponding selector is omitted from the list of variants. The remaining variants are sorted according to the selector's key-ordering preference. Earlier selectors in the matcher's list of selectors have a higher priority than later ones.

When all of the selectors have been processed, the earliest-sorted variant in the remaining list of variants is selected.

This selection method is defined in more detail below. An implementation MAY use any pattern selection method, as long as its observable behavior matches the results of the method defined here.

Resolve Selectors

First, resolve the values of each selector:

  1. Let res be a new empty list of resolved values that support selection.
  2. For each selector sel, in source order,
    1. Let rv be the resolved value of sel.
    2. If selection is supported for rv:
      1. Append rv as the last element of the list res.
    3. Else:
      1. Let nomatch be a resolved value for which selection always fails.
      2. Append nomatch as the last element of the list res.
      3. Emit a Bad Selector error.

The form of the resolved values is determined by each implementation, along with the manner of determining their support for selection.

Resolve Preferences

Next, using res, resolve the preferential order for all message keys:

  1. Let pref be a new empty list of lists of strings.
  2. For each index i in res:
    1. Let keys be a new empty list of strings.
    2. For each variant var of the message:
      1. Let key be the var key at position i.
      2. If key is not the catch-all key '*':
        1. Assert that key is a literal.
        2. Let ks be the resolved value of key in Unicode Normalization Form C.
        3. Append ks as the last element of the list keys.
    3. Let rv be the resolved value at index i of res.
    4. Let matches be the result of calling the method MatchSelectorKeys(rv, keys)
    5. Append matches as the last element of the list pref.

The method MatchSelectorKeys is determined by the implementation. It takes as arguments a resolved selector value rv and a list of string keys keys, and returns a list of string keys in preferential order. The returned list MUST contain only unique elements of the input list keys. The returned list MAY be empty. The most-preferred key is first, with each successive key appearing in order by decreasing preference.

The resolved value of each key MUST be in Unicode Normalization Form C ("NFC"), even if the literal for the key is not.

If calling MatchSelectorKeys encounters any error, a Bad Selector error is emitted and an empty list is returned.

Filter Variants

Then, using the preferential key orders pref, filter the list of variants to the ones that match with some preference:

  1. Let vars be a new empty list of variants.
  2. For each variant var of the message:
    1. For each index i in pref:
      1. Let key be the var key at position i.
      2. If key is the catch-all key '*':
        1. Continue the inner loop on pref.
      3. Assert that key is a literal.
      4. Let ks be the resolved value of key.
      5. Let matches be the list of strings at index i of pref.
      6. If matches includes ks:
        1. Continue the inner loop on pref.
      7. Else:
        1. Continue the outer loop on message variants.
    2. Append var as the last element of the list vars.

Sort Variants

Finally, sort the list of variants vars and select the pattern:

  1. Let sortable be a new empty list of (integer, variant) tuples.
  2. For each variant var of vars:
    1. Let tuple be a new tuple (-1, var).
    2. Append tuple as the last element of the list sortable.
  3. Let len be the integer count of items in pref.
  4. Let i be len - 1.
  5. While i >= 0:
    1. Let matches be the list of strings at index i of pref.
    2. Let minpref be the integer count of items in matches.
    3. For each tuple tuple of sortable:
      1. Let matchpref be an integer with the value minpref.
      2. Let key be the tuple variant key at position i.
      3. If key is not the catch-all key '*':
        1. Assert that key is a literal.
        2. Let ks be the resolved value of key.
        3. Let matchpref be the integer position of ks in matches.
      4. Set the tuple integer value as matchpref.
    4. Set sortable to be the result of calling the method SortVariants(sortable).
    5. Set i to be i - 1.
  6. Let var be the variant element of the first element of sortable.
  7. Select the pattern of var.

SortVariants is a method whose single argument is a list of (integer, variant) tuples. It returns a list of (integer, variant) tuples. Any implementation of SortVariants is acceptable as long as it satisfies the following requirements:

  1. Let sortable be an arbitrary list of (integer, variant) tuples.
  2. Let sorted be SortVariants(sortable).
  3. sorted is the result of sorting sortable using the following comparator:
    1. (i1, v1) <= (i2, v2) if and only if i1 <= i2.
  4. The sort is stable (pairs of tuples from sortable that are equal in their first element have the same relative order in sorted).

macchiati avatar Oct 03 '24 22:10 macchiati