applescript icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
applescript copied to clipboard

Applescript applets, snippets, resources, and links


This repository is a collection of Applescript snippets that can be used individually or part of a larger project. Many of these snippets were written as I was learning to use Applescript and may not represent the best method of undertaking a particular task. Feel free to open an issue or pull request if you find that any of these files do not work for you. You may also open a pull request if you would like to add a script or snippet.

Copies of this repository exist at Github and Gitlab. <BR><BR>

Script Categories

  • Application Services
  • Display Settings
  • File and Folder Actions
  • Location Helper Scripts
  • Markdown Tools
  • Notational Velocity
  • Pandoc and Textutils
  • Reminders App
  • Snippets
  • Sound Scripts
  • Temperature Conversion
  • Terminal
  • Time and Date <BR><BR>



Other Applescript Resources/Libraries

Tools for Developing Scripts


  • Location Helper - use core location in applescripts.
  • Twitter Scripter - interact with Twitter via applescript.
  • Platypus - package applescripts with various other scripts (Shell, Python, etc) to create native MacOS applications.


A non-exhaustive list of interesting Applescript resources on Github:

Github Applescript Projects

Note Taking/Task Management



Other useful Applescript resources / tutorials / etc

For JavaScript Users

  • JavaScript for Automation Cookbook
    • JavaScript was added as a MacOS automation tool in version 10.10. If you are familiar with (or would prefer to learn) JavaScript, this cookbook is a great resource.

Bugs / Contributing

Scripts in this repo were tested on OS X/MacOS Lion through High Sierra. Please open an issue or pull request if a script does not work as intended.

If you have a script, snippet, or resource that you'd like me to include in this repo, feel free to open a new pull request.

To Do

To be completed as I have time

  • [ ] Actually update this repo
  • [ ] Reorganize and rename variables, folder structure, docs, readme
  • [ ] (Maybe) Build tests (via python nsapplescript)