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https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNetsec/comments/8ot9yt/any_of_you_looked_at_nsas_unfetter_project/ Looks pretty sweet, but I think they were so excited to release the tool that their fingers were working overtime:
- Follow the stnadard [standard] installation instructions for Docker Toolbox for Windows from teh Docker website. Once installed, there should be a Docker quickstart, Oracle VM VirtualBox, and Kitematic shortcuts on the desktop
- The GitHub organization Unfetter Disocver [Discover] GitHub projects that logically separate the Unfetter Discover project. There are two ways to run Unfetter Discover:
- work together quickly and effectively [to] enable a common and implement and communicate defensive courese [courses] of action.
- can assess the mitigations, analytics[,] and sensors in your environment
- Analytics can be searched, filtered, ranked[,] and commented on.
- Evaluate your analytic coverage of the the [remove extra the] MITRE ATT&CK™
- several github [GitHub] projects that are combined to form a seamless web application setup lists Windows, although the README lists it as unsupported
- Follow the stnadard [standard] installation instructions
- Docker Toolbox for Windows from teh [the] Docker website.
- is made up of multiple of [remove of] docker containers
- In general, the Unfetter repos [repo] is the only repo you need