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Retool: a better filter tool for Redump and No-Intro DAT files.

Looking for clone lists and metadata? They now live in their own repository.


  • What it does
  • Why not use CLRMAMEPro or Romcenter's 1G1R mode with a parent/clone dat?
  • Download and installation
    • For Windows users only familiar with graphical interfaces
    • For those familiar with Git and Python
    • Linux
  • Clone lists
  • FAQs
  • Clonerel

What it does

Retool converts Redump and No-Intro dats to 1G1R, doing a better job than dat managers with parent/clone dats. It has both GUI and CLI versions.

You'll still need a dat manager to use the files Retool creates, such as CLRMamePro, RomVault, or Romcenter — you just won't need to use their 1G1R modes, as Retool will have already done the work for you.

You can learn more about how it works, and how to use it in the wiki.

Retool GUI

Why not use CLRMAMEPro or Romcenter's 1G1R mode with a parent/clone dat?

The short version:

Dat managers don't do a great job of picking canonical 1G1R titles, and No-Intro often misses clones in their dats.

The long version:

Historically if you wanted to create a 1G1R set, you'd use a parent/clone dat in combination with a dat manager like CLRMAMEPro or Romcenter. After loading the dat into the dat manager, you'd set your desired regions and region order, and whether or not to filter by languages (assuming the dat has <release> tags properly set up — something which is vanishingly rare). You'd then trust the dat manager to choose the perfect parent title for you from your favorite region, discarding the clones from other regions.

Here's the thing. The parent/clone dat format was created for MAME, to enable one of the ways in which it organizes its ROMs. A "parent" ROM in MAME contains the base or common files for a game, while "clone" ROMs contains only files that are different from the parent. If you load a clone game in MAME, it's smart enough to load the base files from the parent, and any of the modified files it needs from the clone.

Dat manager 1G1R is effectively a hack on top of this system. In 1G1R mode a dat manager uses the parent/clone relationships in a dat to set up a group of related titles. It then selects a single title from that group based on your region and language preferences and ignores the other titles, in an effort to only include the most desired version. While on the surface this seems reasonable, if you look a little closer you start to see the cracks.

The primary issue is that dat managers and parent/clone dats don't have an expansive concept of title priority. For example, what happens when there are two copies of the same title from the same region, but they have different names? Or different version numbers? Or were published by different companies at different times? Which title does the dat manager choose then? The answer — the first one it finds, not the newest or best.

There's another issue, and that concerns languages. To determine a 1G1R title, dat managers give each title a score, combined from your region and language priority. While selected regions are treated as a filter (don't include Europe, and you won't get European titles), languages aren't. Instead, languages are treated as a "bonus" score added to the original region score, meaning you can end up with titles in languages you don't want if a region is high enough priority. Check out LogiqX's pseudo code for an idea of how this works (search for "I do this kind of thing for a living..." to find the relevant bit).

Retool handles proper 1G1R title selection, and a whole lot more. It even identifies the languages of each title by using multiple sources — the implied language spoken in the region the title is from, languages explicitly listed in the title's filename, and languages listed on Redump's website and No-Intro's database, which aren't always included in the filenames.

After you set up the GUI or user-config.yaml to your liking, Retool's output is already 1G1R, meaning you don't need to select 1G1R mode, regions, or languages in your dat manager — just load the dat and go.

Download and installation

How you download and install Retool will depend on your level of comfort with code.

For Windows users only familiar with graphical interfaces

You can get going in a few easy steps:

  1. Download the latest binary for Windows.
  2. Extract the ZIP file to a folder of your choosing.
  3. Double click retool-gui.exe. It will show a Command Prompt window, then the GUI will load. Don't close the Command Prompt window as it'll close the GUI as well. It also serves a useful purpose — it shows you the output of the program when you're processing a dat file.
  4. Click File > Check for clone list updates to download the latest clone lists and metadata.

For those familiar with Git and Python

Clone Retool from this repo and run it with Python. Retool requires a minimum of Python 3.8, and needs additional modules to be installed.

To install the modules, assuming you already have Python installed, open Terminal, Command Prompt, or whatever the CLI is on your system, and type:

pip install bs4 lxml strictyaml pysimpleguiqt

On systems that have both Python 2 and 3 installed, you might need to run pip3 instead of pip.


If you get a libxcb error in Linux when launching, this fixed the problem for me in Ubuntu 20.04:

sudo apt-get install libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-xtest0-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev

Clone lists

While Retool is smart enough to automatically match certain types of parents and clones, there are certain situations that require manual assignment, like when a title has a different name in different regions. To achieve this, Retool keeps clone lists.

At the time of writing, Retool's clone lists are the most thorough that I know of. I manually combed through titles in most dats, and cross referenced them on Wikipedia, Moby Games, Retroplace, GameTDB, VDGB, VGM, YouTube,, PlayAsia, Sega Retro, PSCX2 Wiki, PlayStation DataCenter, The Cutting Room Floor, The PC Engine Software Bible, The World of CDI, SMS Power and Atari Mania. I checked out the parent/clone dats for No-Intro, and occasionally I went through Redump's site for Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Chinese characters for titles, so I could do translations and find out what they were called in other languages. When all else failed, I did some good old web searching in order to turn up information. At some point I discovered FilterQuest, a similar tool, and added some missing titles from there.

There have also been plenty of community contributions, from those who have filed issues on GitHub.

Clone lists are updated independently of the program, and are formatted as JSON files. They are stored in a subfolder called clonelists, which is in the same folder as Retool.

You can update them from the GUI using the File menu, by running, or by downloading them yourself from this repository.


For the answers to common queries, check out the Wiki.


Clonerel is a CLI program that generates an Excel file from any parent/clone dat file. It helps you more easily visualize parent/clone relationships in the dat, and track down titles that haven't been assigned parents yet.

You can create a parent/clone dat file in Retool by using the -x option, or by selecting Export dat in legacy parent/clone format in the GUI.


Clonerel uses openpyxl to generate an Excel file. You'll need at least OpenPyxl v3.03 to avoid a fun crash bug. Install it and other dependencies with pip.

pip install openpyxl bs4 lxml


python <input dat>