icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard

[BUG]: When trying to copy a screenshot by sketching a fragment of the screen (ctrl+shift+s), copying does not happen automatically, an error occurs when trying to copy manually.

Open Roveind opened this issue 2 months ago • 4 comments


When trying to copy a screenshot by sketching a screen fragment (ctrl+shift+s), copying does not happen automatically, an error occurs when trying to manually copy. -->


Windows 10 Pro Release Version 22H2 Installation date 10/23/2023 OS Assembly 19045.4291 Interaction Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0 -->

Reproduction steps

How can the bug be recreated? It's the most important information in the bug report. Bugs that cannot be reproduced cannot be fixed and verified.

open the program, select the strict package, apply, restart the computer and try to copy the screenshot to the clipboard using (ctrl+shift+s).


If applicable, please attach the generated file instead of copy pasting which becomes too long. -->


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Error -->

Enabling and disabling copying to clipboard in the settings also does not lead to any result (this is my first post and my first introduction to github, so there may be mistakes, also I use a translator.) Error1

Roveind avatar Apr 21 '24 23:04 Roveind

Hi @Roveind, thank you for the issue and providing all the necessay information

Let's keep it in English. Translation is good idea. I cannot assist you in Russian and you can reach more people in the community this way.

The tool shown in the screenshot appears to be the Windows Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch. The error message (translated using ChatGPT) is: "Failed to copy this image".

Revert clipboard history:

@echo off
:: — v0.13.2 — Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:32:42 GMT
:: Ensure admin privileges
fltmc >nul 2>&1 || (
    echo Administrator privileges are required.
    PowerShell Start -Verb RunAs '%0' 2> nul || (
        echo Right-click on the script and select "Run as administrator".
        pause & exit 1
    exit 0
:: Initialize environment
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

:: ----------------------------------------------------------
:: ------------Disable clipboard history (revert)------------
:: ----------------------------------------------------------
echo --- Disable clipboard history (revert)
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Clipboard" /v "EnableClipboardHistory" /f 2>nul
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" /v "AllowClipboardHistory" /f 2>nul
:: ----------------------------------------------------------

:: Pause the script to view the final state
:: Restore previous environment settings
:: Exit the script successfully
exit /b 0

Let me know if this resolve the issue so we can update You may need to restart your computer afterwards, please also inform if a restart was needed or not.

undergroundwires avatar Apr 26 '24 14:04 undergroundwires

Hello @undergroundwires, unfortunately your script did not help, the images are also not copied to the clipboard, in the process I noticed that the standard Calculator application also stopped working with the clipboard, when trying to copy the Calculator it just crashes. I have provided a video where everything is clearly shown. ((the text was written with the help of a translator, the translation may be inaccurate.))

Roveind avatar Apr 29 '24 09:04 Roveind

Hi @Roveind , can you try reverting cbdhsvc and see if it resolves both issues:

@echo off
:: — v0.13.2 — Wed, 08 May 2024 23:57:07 GMT
:: Ensure admin privileges
fltmc >nul 2>&1 || (
    echo Administrator privileges are required.
    PowerShell Start -Verb RunAs '%0' 2> nul || (
        echo Right-click on the script and select "Run as administrator".
        pause & exit 1
    exit 0
:: Initialize environment
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

:: Disable background clipboard data collection (`cbdhsvc`) (breaks clipboard history and sync) (revert)
echo --- Disable background clipboard data collection (`cbdhsvc`) (breaks clipboard history and sync) (revert)
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceQuery = 'cbdhsvc'; $defaultStartupMode = 'Automatic'; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceQuery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Warning "^""Service query `"^""$serviceQuery`"^"" did not yield and results, cannot enable it."^""; Exit 1; }; $serviceName = $service.Name; Write-Host "^""Enabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^"" with `"^""$defaultStartupMode`"^"" start."^""; <# -- 2. Skip if service info is not found in registry #>; $registryKey = "^""HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\$serviceName"^""; if(!(Test-Path $registryKey)) {; Write-Warning "^""`"^""$registryKey`"^"" is not found in registry, cannot enable it."^""; Exit 1; }; <# -- 3. Enable if not already enabled #>; $defaultStartupRegValue = if ($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Boot') { '0' } elseif($defaultStartupMode -eq 'System') { '1' } elseif($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Automatic') { '2' } elseif($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Manual') { '3' } else { throw "^""Unknown start mode: $defaultStartupMode"^""}; if( $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "^""$registryKey"^"").Start -eq $defaultStartupRegValue) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is already enabled with `"^""$defaultStartupMode`"^"" start."^""; } else {; try {; Set-ItemProperty $registryKey -Name Start -Value $defaultStartupRegValue -Force; Write-Host "^""Enabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully with `"^""$defaultStartupMode`"^"" start, this may require restarting your computer."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not enable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; Exit 1; }; }; <# -- 4. Start if not running (must be enabled first) #>; if($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Automatic') {; if ($service.Status -ne [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, trying to start it."^""; try {; Start-Service $serviceName -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Started `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not start `"^""$serviceName`"^"", requires restart, it will be started after reboot.`r`n$_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is already running, no need to start."^""; }; }"
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceQuery = 'cbdhsvc_*'; $defaultStartupMode = 'Automatic'; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceQuery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Warning "^""Service query `"^""$serviceQuery`"^"" did not yield and results, cannot enable it."^""; Exit 1; }; $serviceName = $service.Name; Write-Host "^""Enabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^"" with `"^""$defaultStartupMode`"^"" start."^""; <# -- 2. Skip if service info is not found in registry #>; $registryKey = "^""HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\$serviceName"^""; if(!(Test-Path $registryKey)) {; Write-Warning "^""`"^""$registryKey`"^"" is not found in registry, cannot enable it."^""; Exit 1; }; <# -- 3. Enable if not already enabled #>; $defaultStartupRegValue = if ($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Boot') { '0' } elseif($defaultStartupMode -eq 'System') { '1' } elseif($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Automatic') { '2' } elseif($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Manual') { '3' } else { throw "^""Unknown start mode: $defaultStartupMode"^""}; if( $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "^""$registryKey"^"").Start -eq $defaultStartupRegValue) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is already enabled with `"^""$defaultStartupMode`"^"" start."^""; } else {; try {; Set-ItemProperty $registryKey -Name Start -Value $defaultStartupRegValue -Force; Write-Host "^""Enabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully with `"^""$defaultStartupMode`"^"" start, this may require restarting your computer."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not enable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; Exit 1; }; }; <# -- 4. Start if not running (must be enabled first) #>; if($defaultStartupMode -eq 'Automatic') {; if ($service.Status -ne [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, trying to start it."^""; try {; Start-Service $serviceName -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Started `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not start `"^""$serviceName`"^"", requires restart, it will be started after reboot.`r`n$_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is already running, no need to start."^""; }; }"
:: ----------------------------------------------------------

:: Pause the script to view the final state
:: Restore previous environment settings
:: Exit the script successfully
exit /b 0

undergroundwires avatar May 08 '24 23:05 undergroundwires

Hello @undergroundwires, Unfortunately, it didn't help :(

Roveind avatar May 13 '24 16:05 Roveind