copied to clipboard
Some scripts that can be used to customize Firefox for better privacy.
Operating system
Windows, macOS, or Linux.
Tweaks For Firefox
function Add-PrefsToJsFile {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $FilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[array] $DataToInsert
try {
$linesToInsert = @("")
foreach ($item in $DataToInsert) {
if ($item.key -and $item.value) {
$linesToInsert += 'user_pref("' + $item.key + '", ' + $item.value + ');'
} else {
Write-Warning "Invalid item in data: $item"
Add-Content -Path $FilePath -Value $linesToInsert
Write-Verbose "Successfully added preferences to '$FilePath'."
} catch {
Write-Error "Error adding content to '$FilePath': $_"
Write-Log -LogName Application -Message "Error adding content to '$FilePath': $_" -EventID 1
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("An error occurred while adding content to the file.", "Error", "OK", "Error")
$dataToInsert = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "media.peerconnection.enabled"; value = "false" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "privacy.resistFingerprinting"; value = "true" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled"; value = "true" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled"; value = "true" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "privacy.firstparty.isolate"; value = "true" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "privacy.trackingprotection.enabled"; value = "true" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "geo.enabled"; value = "false" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "media.navigator.enabled"; value = "false" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "network.cookie.cookieBehavior"; value = 1 },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "network.cookie.lifetimePolicy"; value = 2 },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "network.dns.disablePrefetch"; value = "true" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "network.prefetch-next"; value = "false" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled"; value = "false" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ key = "media.eme.enabled"; value = "false" }
Add-PrefsToJsFile -FilePath "<path-to-user-profile>/prefs.js" -DataToInsert $dataToInsert
OS | Path |
Windows NT (NT4.x/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10) | "%APPDATA%\Mozilla" |
Unix/Linux | ~/.mozilla/ |
Mac OS X | ~/Library/Mozilla/ ~/Library/Application Support/ |
Revert code
This is an integer type preference with different values. Here are the cookie preference options:
- 0 = Accept all cookies by default
- 1 = Only accept from the originating site (block third-party cookies)
- 2 = Block all cookies by default
- 3 = Block cookies from unvisited sites
- 4 = New Cookie Jar policy (prevent storage access to trackers)
Choosing between 1 and 4 would improve privacy. The New Cookie Jar policy (value 4) provides more protection, but may break some sites' functionality.
network.cookie.lifetimePolicy = 2
This is another integer type preference that you should set to a value of 2. This preference determines when cookies are deleted. Here are the different options:
- 0 = Accept cookies normally
- 1 = Prompt for each cookie
- 2 = Accept for current session only
- 3 = Accept for N days
Setting this to 2 should allow the websites you visit to work and all cookies will be automatically deleted after the session.
Configuring Browsers | |_____Firefox
Recommendation level
Hi @plantindesk, thank you for the suggestion. If you check Linux > Configure programs > Configure Firefox, you'll see that almost all of these are covered.
We need a way to share scripts between OSes, it would be painful to replicate these in Windows, better to roll to all three platforms including macOS from same place. I need to refactor how scripts are compiled to achieve this so the compiler allow using shared scripts/categories between collections.
I will check other missing ones and can add on Linux and implement share mechanism so Windows collection can use all stuff Linux has. This will take time though.
Some comments:
- You do not want to enable
, disable it but keepnetwork.cookie.cookieBehavior
with option5
. You can search for those in Linux collection and read more. - I think ´network.cookie.lifetimePolicy
2` is too aggressive, but we can add this without recommending it.
Yes, we can indeed disable telemetry in various desktop environments such as KDE, GNOME, and others. To provide an example, in the case of the KDE desktop environment, there is a package called kdeuserfeedback
that gathers user data through telemetry and feedback surveys. By disabling this package, we can prevent any further collection of user information.
Furthermore, For Solus OS, we may consider adding a script to remove its telemetry functionality entirely.
They're great suggestions but I don't know how to do those. I can add these only if I knew how to disable KUserFeedback
or remove telemetry in Solus OS.