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Cannot subscribe to both ANGLE and SPEED on boost motor
When trying to add a subscription to both ANGLE and SPEED for Motor_A, I get an error on the second subscription:
self.hub.motor_A.subscribe(test_speed, mode=EncodedMotor.SENSOR_SPEED)
self.hub.motor_A.subscribe(update_angle, mode=EncodedMotor.SENSOR_ANGLE)
ValueError: Port is in active mode MsgPortInputFmtSingle({'payload': bytearray(b''), 'port': 0, 'mode': 1, 'upd_delta': 1, 'upd_enabled': 1}), unsubscribe all subscribers first
I should be able to subscribe to both of these at the same time.
When you say "I should be able to subscribe to both of these at the same time." - where do you take this assumption from? I don't see any possibility for this in LEGO docs. The port is able to be in one mode at the time and the mode defines the notification kind you will get.
I have assumed that I should be able to, since the lego boost app on my tablet shows speed and angle changing as the motors turn, if I set a variable input to the various sensors. This assumption may not be valid, however.
If the official app can do it, then it exists. But I can't find anything like that in the mobile app. Can you instruct me how to find it?
This should be possible by setting up the port in combined input mode. I am close to having this setup in my C# SDK but not getting an acknowledgement reply when I unlock the port.
Perhaps we can solve together?