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A Gradle plugin to run the XJC binding compiler during a build

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= Gradle XJC Plugin

Invokes the xjc binding compiler from a Gradle build.

== Features

  • Automatically enable XJC code generation for each source set in your project
  • support different versions of XJC through classpath isolation
  • producing and consuming episodes
  • catalogs with maven: and classpath: URI resolution (similar to maven-jaxb2-plugin)

== Requirements

  • Gradle 5.6 or higher
  • JDK 1.8 or higher (when running Gradle)

== Quick Start

Apply the org.unbroken-dome.xjc plugin to your Gradle build script and add an appropriate dependency on the JAXB API:

[source,kotlin] .build.gradle(.kts)

plugins { id("org.unbroken-dome.xjc") version "2.0.0" }

dependencies { implementation("javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.3.0") }

Put your schemas (.xsd), binding customization files (.xjb) and catalogs (.cat) into src/main/schema.

That's it! The plugin will automatically invoke XJC to generate code from your schemas and include it the main Java compilation.

== Further Documentation

  •[User Manual]
  •[API/DSL Documentation]