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Lightning fast left-right movement in Vim

Results 16 quick-scope issues
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I have `` remapped to call a lua function using `vim.keymap.set`. It appears that the `quick_scope#Reload()` function can't handle this, and errors when attempting to restore `b:qs_prev_ctrl_c_map`. Here is a...

How do I remap ',' since I use that as my leader? Thanks, Mark

The following error message is shown: ******************Start Error******************************* Messages maintainer: Bram Moolenaar "~/NLP/masters_thesis/main.tex" 525L, 24390C "main.tex" 525L, 24390C written Error detected while processing function 41_aim[29]..AsyncRun_Job_OnTimer[11]..23_AsyncRun_Job_Update: line 26: E523: Not allowed...


I want to reduce visual noise, so turn off highlighting until a motion key is pressed: ``` let g:qs_highlight_on_keys = ['f', 'F', 't', 'T'] ``` However, when I'm using [repmo-vim](https://github.com/Houl/repmo-vim)...

hi, I have been using your plugin for quite a long time, however something that I find missing is the fact that jumps are not saved in the jump list,...

Hello! I have noticed that lately the quickscope highlighting gets triggered when an autocompletion menu pops up: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32070555/142856852-3df37f30-59cf-4757-bd51-38c49b26e3d7.png) I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case some month ago. Is there...

Even though I set `let g:qs_highlight_on_keys = ['f', 'F', 't', 'T']` the highlighting is always on. I am using Neovim v.0.4.4

Just hacking/procastinating, does good enough for my usecase, so ymmv. New variable set to: `g:qs_augrp_clean = ['EasyMotionPromptBegin']` For example usage: `nmap f (QuickScopeWallHacksF)(easmotion-fl)`. It's not perfect but it helps. As...

when i add ```vim let g:qs_highlight_on_keys = ['f', 'F', 't', 'T'] ``` to my vimrc, i get an error ``` ~ > vim .vimrc Error detected while processing ~/.vim/plugged/quick-scope/plugin/quick_scope.vim: line...


Would it be possible to disable highlighting on commented lines?
