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Umi plugin for access management.


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Umi plugin for access management.


Before using this plugin, you need install and enable @umijs/plugin-initial-state and @umijs/plugin-model.


# or yarn
$ npm install @umijs/plugin-access --save


Getting started in 3 steps.

1. Configure in .umirc.js

Caution: @umijs/plugin-access, @umijs/plugin-initial-state and @umijs/plugin-model must be in this order.

export default {
  plugins: [

2. Export getInitialState() function in src/app.js

You can fetch some data asynchronously or synchronously then return whatever value in the getInitialState() function, the returned value would be saved as initial state (basic information) by umi. For example:

// src/app.js

export async function getInitialState() {
  const { userId, fole } = await getCurrentRole();
  return {

3. Create src/access.js and defaultly export a function to define the access feature of your application

With the initial state (basic information) prepared, you can define the access feature of your application, like "can create something", "can't update something", just return the definition in the function:

// src/access.js

export default function(initialState) {
  const { userId, role } = initialState; // the initialState is the returned value in step 2

  return {
    canReadFoo: true,
    canUpdateFoo: role === 'admin',
    canDeleteFoo: foo => {
      return foo.ownerId === userId;

4. Consume the access feature definition

After step 3, now you get the access feature definition of your application, then you can use the definition in your component:

import React from 'react';
import { useAccess, Access } from 'umi';

const PageA = props => {
  const { foo } = props;
  const access = useAccess(); // members of access: canReadFoo, canUpdateFoo, canDeleteFoo

  if (access.canReadFoo) {
    // Do something...

  return (
        fallback={<div>Can not read foo content.</div>}
        Foo content.
        fallback={<div>Can not update foo.</div>}
        Update foo.
        fallback={<div>Can not delete foo.</div>}
        Delete foo.

You can use the access instance to control the execution flow, use <Access> component to control the rendering, when accessible is true, children is rendered, otherwise fallback is rendered.

Full example can find in ./example.


  • options.showWarning

A boolean value, default to be true. When showWarning is true, this plugin would check if src/access.js is exist and defaultly exports a function, if no function exported, a warning info would be shown, otherwise if showWarning is false, no warning info would be shown.