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Minimalistic Multiple Layer Neural Network from Scratch in Python.
Minimalistic Multiple Layer Neural Network from Scratch in Python
- Author: Umberto Griffo
Inspired by [1] and [2] I implemented a Minimalistic Multiple Layer Neural Network from Scratch in Python. You can use It to better understand the core concepts of Neural Networks.
Software Environment
- Python 3.0 - 3.5
- Backpropagation Algorithm With Stochastic Gradient Descent. During training we are using single training examples for one forward/backward pass.
- Supporting multiple hidden layers.
- Classification (
- Regression (
- Activation Function: Linear, ReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh.
- Classification Evaluator: Accuracy.
- Regression Evaluator: Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Coefficient of Determination (R^2).
If you run you can see the following textual menu:
Please enter one of following numbers:
0 - Classification on Seed Dataset
1 - Classification on Wine Red Dataset
2 - Classification on Pokemon Dataset
3 - Regression on Wine White Dataset
4 - Regression on Wine Red Dataset
If you choose 2 will be performed a classification task on Pokemon Dataset:
You entered 2
>epoch=0, lrate=0.100, error=0.396
>epoch=100, lrate=0.100, error=0.087
>epoch=200, lrate=0.100, error=0.083
>epoch=300, lrate=0.100, error=0.081
>epoch=400, lrate=0.100, error=0.081
>epoch=500, lrate=0.100, error=0.080
>epoch=0, lrate=0.100, error=0.353
>epoch=100, lrate=0.100, error=0.092
>epoch=200, lrate=0.100, error=0.085
>epoch=300, lrate=0.100, error=0.083
>epoch=400, lrate=0.100, error=0.082
>epoch=500, lrate=0.100, error=0.081
>epoch=0, lrate=0.100, error=0.415
>epoch=100, lrate=0.100, error=0.087
>epoch=200, lrate=0.100, error=0.083
>epoch=300, lrate=0.100, error=0.082
>epoch=400, lrate=0.100, error=0.081
>epoch=500, lrate=0.100, error=0.080
>epoch=0, lrate=0.100, error=0.401
>epoch=100, lrate=0.100, error=0.089
>epoch=200, lrate=0.100, error=0.084
>epoch=300, lrate=0.100, error=0.083
>epoch=400, lrate=0.100, error=0.082
>epoch=500, lrate=0.100, error=0.081
>epoch=0, lrate=0.100, error=0.395
>epoch=100, lrate=0.100, error=0.093
>epoch=200, lrate=0.100, error=0.087
>epoch=300, lrate=0.100, error=0.085
>epoch=400, lrate=0.100, error=0.084
>epoch=500, lrate=0.100, error=0.083
Scores: [95.45, 95.39999999999999, 95.52000000000001, 95.28, 94.89999999999999]
Mean Accuracy: 95.310%
Possible Extensions:
- Early stopping.
- Experiment with different weight initialization techniques (such as small random numbers).
- Batch Gradient Descent. Change the training procedure from online to batch gradient descent and update the weights only at the end of each epoch.
- Mini-Batch Gradient Descent. More info here.
- Momentum. More info here.
- Annealing the learning rate. More info here.
- Dropout Regularization, Batch Normalization. More info here.
- Model Ensembles. More info here.
- [1] How to Implement Backpropagation Algorithm from scratch in Python here.
- [2] Implementing Multiple Layer Neural Network from Scratch here.
- [3] Andrew Ng Lecture on Gradient Descent here.
- [4] Andrew Ng Lecture on Backpropagation Algorithm here.
- [5] (P. Cortez, A. Cerdeira, F. Almeida, T. Matos and J. Reis. Modeling wine preferences by data mining from physicochemical properties. In Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, 47(4):547-553, 2009.) here
- [6] seeds Data Set here