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How to Fix it ? auth_token
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/xxx/Storm-Breaker/", line 46, in
File "/home/xxx/Storm-Breaker/modules/", line 74, in webcham
a = ngrok.connect(4545,"http",auth_token=token)
TypeError: connect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth_token'
Do like thise Use your ngrok token
Follow me on Instagram anish_0_3_
Here is the solution: Look at the path and see the file that is being pointed at: e.g and look or all lines that contain "a = ngrok.connect(4545,"http",auth_token=token)" and make sure to replace "auth_token=token" with your ngrok Authtoken. This can be found at url: NB: make sure the authtoken is put inside quotes " authtoken " and thats the solution. Have fun
Create an account at Once you've created your account click on getting started on the left side of the screen. You'll see a link called Your Authtoken. Click on that link and use the token on top with only letter and numbers. Open up StormBreaker. Cd into Storm-Breaker ─$ cd Storm-Breaker. Get root access by typing sudo su. Once you have root type ngrok and paste your token number and hit enter. It should tell you that your token was saved. Then run Storm-Breaker. Don't use ./ngrok authtoken 22342322..ect