Oliver Markowski
Oliver Markowski
> Hi Timur, thx for your support! Would it be easy to also provide all tickets as a dict on the task info? Like taskinfo.get("tickets") hey timur, we will soon...
> Hello! I will look at tickets today! May it is not a problem. that sounds great!!! > Bigger problem is render capacity and capacity used/free. For 3.4.x I want...
Thanks a lot Timur! glad it doesn't break compatibility!
Hi Timur, here are the most common log entries that we found on frozen afrender clients: ``` Mon 25 Sep 09:34.06: INFO Failed to connect to server. Last success connect...
Hi Timur, we are still trying to figure out what is going on in our network, but I have a thing were you may be able to help us. Today...
Hey Timur, I don't know how familiar you are with the MQTT protocol and how it implements a so called Quality of Service (QoS). This page describes it pretty well...
no restarts please...we must fix the root cause and not patch the issue
correct! the task is stuck and the client happily accepts new tasks and renders them as if nothing ever happened. The stuck task is not DON on the server -...
thanks for the quick reply and for adding it to 3.4.0 much appreciated!
as @sebastianelsner this works like a charme! thanks a lot for implementing this!