bs-dataloader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bs-dataloader copied to clipboard

Small lib to batch and cache loading of async data, bring your own fetch implementation



This is a rewrite of dataloader js lib in reasonml for use with BuckleScript. I have a goal to make it work with native OCaml in the future but I still rely on some JavaScript structures.


module UserLoaderImpl = {
  type value = user;
  type key = userId;

  /* The batchLoadFun needs to wrap the returned values in Js.Result.t so that we can reject each promise instead of all */
  let batchLoadFun = userIds => batchGetUsers(userIds);
  let options: options = {batch: true, maxBatchSize: 256, cache: true};

module UserLoader = DataLoader.Make(UserLoaderImpl);

|> Js.Promise.then_(
  user => {
    displayUser user;
    Js.Promise.resolve ();

/* elsewhere in your app */

|> Js.Promise.then_(
  user => {
    interactWithUser user;

The example above will load both users at the same time with 1 request. If we later need one of the loaded users again we will get a cached version of the promise, if you need a new version from the server you can clear the key.

updateUser(~userId, ~userPatch)
|> Js.Promise.then_(_ => Js.Promise.resolve(UserLoader.clear userId))
|> Js.Promise.then_(_ => UserLoader.load("1"))
|> Js.Promise.then_(user => {
  displayUser user;
  Js.Promise.resolve ();



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