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Pure Data CEAMMC distribution (based on vanilla 0.50 by Miller Puckette)
CEAMMC PureData distribution 2023.10
General purpose Pd distribution and library used for work and education purposes in Centre of electroacoustic music of Moscow Conservatory (CEAMMC) and ZIL-electro studio.
This repository is an assembly of Puredata that includes the CEAMMC library.
Key concepts
- All the externals are grouped by their function. This is different from the traditional approach but this aims to simplify the learning process and makes the language itself more clear.
- Higher level set of objects for education and handy use in work process: oscillators, filters etc.
- Library adds several features to basic Pd API. It is written in C++ and covered with tests.
- Inclusion of some modern techniques. Library v0.9.6 includes comprehensive set of objects that work with lists and include some concepts from functional programming.
see ceammc/CHANGELOG.md for more details ceammc/CHANGELOG.md
this work is based on / includes:
- Pd vanilla (this repository)
- CICM Wrapper library (https://github.com/CICM/CicmWrapper)
- A-Chaos library - https://github.com/s373/ofxAChaosLib
- FAUSTDSP (http://faust.grame.fr)
- pddoc (https://github.com/uliss/pddoc)
- muparser (https://beltoforion.de/en/muparser/)
- FluidSynth (https://www.fluidsynth.org/)
- aubio (https://aubio.org/)
- HoaLibrary (https://github.com/CICM/HoaLibrary-Light)
- STK (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/)
- autotune object
- comport object
- re2
- glitch
- SoundTouch
- SoxR
- flext
- rubberband
- SFizz
- minimp3
- libltc
- libartnet
Serge Poltavsky Alex Nadzharov
Original README