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Jasypt integration for Spring boot
Nacos is used in the remote configuration center in the Spring Cloud environment. When the configuration file is modified, the EnvironmentChangeEvent event will be triggered. At this time, the normal...
com.github.ulisesbocchio jasypt-spring-boot-starter 3.0.3 com.alibaba.cloud spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery 2.2.1.RELEASE import jasypt the feign overriding setting will failover.......
Description: The bean 'middleoffice-systemservice-fast.FeignClientSpecification' could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined and overriding is disabled. Action: Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling...
Project can be built using JDK 16+ (it will still compiled to JDK 8 compatible code).
The uk.org.webcompere:system-stubs-jupiter test library should be upgrade so that the project can be built with JDK 16+. For more information, see https://github.com/webcompere/system-stubs For example, trying to build with JDK 17...
Spring data flow is not working with **jasypt-spring-boot** while annotating @EnableEncryptableProperties , it' looking breaking rabbitmq initialization. if i comment the annotation (EnableEncryptableProperties) , RabbitMQ initialized but it will break...
‘Spring Cloud’ 中绝大多数对 ‘Spring Environment’ 操作的组件,应当比 ‘ConfigurationPropertiesRebinder’ 优先级要高,否则就会出现 ‘ConfigurationProperties’ 配置类更新不及时的问题。所以建议这里的 ‘RefreshScopeRefreshedEventListener’ 优先级不要设置成最低,只要比 ‘ConfigurationPropertiesRebinder’ 高即可; -- from the technical team of YXT(yxt.com) The vast majority of components in 'spring cloud' that...
Description: Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.type' to java.lang.Class: Property: spring.datasource.type Value: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource Origin: class path resource [application-dev.yml] - 4:11 Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String to java.lang.Class (caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:...
Example Input password=DEC(aaa)bbb) Output: password=ENC(aNUBHFyXZxvq4hGBSRSOSmwK0ZEZVvp/1fBP0mTUR9zyyFuGeS4zprlUZuJO2qH6)bbb) It has only encrypted the "aaa". and the trailing "bbb)" has been copied across in plaintext. Presumably because the regex at: https://github.com/ulisesbocchio/jasypt-spring-boot/blob/master/jasypt-maven-plugin/src/main/java/com/ulisesbocchio/jasyptmavenplugin/encrypt/EncryptionService.java#L56 is not greedy,...
jasypt is having Spring4Shell Vulnerability which is needed to fix.