gradle-dependency-export copied to clipboard
Are test resources included?
Is this supposed to export test resources or just runtime? I don't see any of my test resources in the export.
I believe this is related to the "configurations" parameter, but it is unclear what you mean in your readme with the default behavior being "buildscript.configurations + project.configurations". What is the easiest way to include ALL standard gradle configurations?
By default all configurations are exported, including the test configurations for the java plugin. So jars like junit and mockito etc should be in the exported folder
This definitely did not happen. I had to explicitly list all the configs for them to export. The default behavior only appeared to export “compile”.
Hmm... That's strange. I'll have to add a test case to investigate
I wonder if this is a timing issue. Are you applying the dependency export plugin before the java plugin?
The mavenDependencyExport section is the last thing in the build.gradle file. This is a very simple single module project. Nothing complicated or strange about it, other than perhaps the fact that I'm calling the mavenDependencyExport output into a Zip:
task bundleDependencyRepo(type: Zip) {
baseName = + '-repo'
from mavenDependencyExport
I am using Gradle 5.3.1 and the latest JDK 8, if that info helps.
I think you were on to something with the "timing" comment. I had my mavenDependencyExport section after my bundeDependencyRepo task definition. When I switched that around so the mavenDependencyExport configuration was before the task definition in my build.gradle file, it appears to now be getting all configurations in the output.
See here
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath ""
apply plugin: "com.lazan.dependency-export"