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Guava postfix plugin for IntelliJ


Guava postfix plugin for IntelliJ

Available templates:


Postfix Expression Description Example
.checkArgument Checks that the boolean is true checkArgument(expr)
.checkNotNull Checks that the value is not null checkNotNull(expr)
.checkState Checks some state of the object, not dependent on the method arguments checkState(expr)
.checkElementIndex Checks that index is a valid element index into a list, string, or array with the specified size checkElementIndex(index, size)
.checkPositionIndex Checks that index is a valid position index into a list, string, or array with the specified size checkPositionIndex(index, size)
.checkPositionIndexes Checks that [start, end) is a valid sub range of a list, string, or array with the specified size checkPositionIndexes(start, end, size)

Base Utilities

Postfix Expression Description Example
.join Joins pieces of text (specified as an array, Iterable, varargs or even a Map) with a separator Joiner.on(',').join(iterable)
.split Extracts non-overlapping substrings from an input string, typically by recognizing appearances of a separator sequence Splitter.on(',').split(charsequence)

Immutable Collections

Postfix Expression Description Example
.immutableListCopyOf Creates an immutable list containing the given elements, in order ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterable)
.immutableListOf Creates an immutable list containing a single element ImmutableList.of(Iterable)
.immutableSetCopyOf Creates an immutable set containing the given elements, in order ImmutableSet.copyOf(Iterable)
.immutableSetOf Creates an immutable set containing a single element ImmutableSet.of(Object)

Iterable Collections

Postfix Expression Description Example
.fluentIterable Creates a fluent iterable that wraps iterable, or iterable itself if it is already a FluentIterable FluentIterable.from(Iterable)