monitores copied to clipboard
when paused itunes starts upon locking
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. itunes is paused
2. lock windows (win+L)
3. itunes starts playing!
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
That itunes remains paused!
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
windows 7
itunes 10
Please provide any additional information below.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 22 Sep 2010 at 1:43
I've tested the same with Windows 7 Home premium/ itunes 10 64bit and its
working fine. Could you please remove the existing monitores.exe file and try
with the new one ?
Original comment by cumakt
on 22 Sep 2010 at 5:03
I have carried out the following steps:
* Deleted old MonitorES.exe + MuteVista.dll
* Insured that it is no longer running
* Downloaded the new one from
* started monitor es
* unset all settings
* started itunes (without music playing)
* locked computer (itunes does not start playing)
* set to auto pause media and to use pause button, saved
* locked computer, itunes starts playing
Incidentally when I go to about it says that it is version 1.0b
Original comment by [email protected]
on 23 Sep 2010 at 10:06
Wow, Thanks for the detailed steps. Let me verify on other boxes(I followed
your steps and it worked fine).
Original comment by cumakt
on 23 Sep 2010 at 4:10
I can confirm, I have the same issue. I leave itunes open on my computer all
the time for home sharing, but if I attempt to use the auto pause option iTunes
begins playing as soon as I lock the screen. Sort of defeats the point.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 10 Apr 2011 at 8:25
The same happens in Spotify. monitores seems to unconditionally toggle pause
upon lock and unlock in Spotify and apparently iTunes (I don't use it so I'll
have to take the other users' word for it).
Winamp is unaffected and behaves as expected. If I pause or stop playback
prior to locking the PC, Winamp remains paused or stopped upon lock and unlock.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 18 Aug 2011 at 6:58
Okay I had a little downtime so I used it to see if I could spot what's going
on. I'm not sure if the version here is the latest
1.0.1b or 1.0.1, but I'm sure it's similar enough that if it's not 1.0.1b for
you to see what I'm talking about.
In PauseMediaPrograms() on lines 699~713 you definitely check that Winamp is
playing before you attempt to send the pause command to it and set a flag,
PAUSED_WINAMP, to indicate that monitores itself paused it. Then in
ResetMediaRunning() on lines 751~768 you check to make sure that Winamp is
paused and that the aforementioned flag has been set before sending the play
command to it and resetting the flag. This works nicely.
As for the way Spotify and iTunes are controlled, since there is no such check
for the player's state and no flag set and checked for in PauseMediaPrograms()
and ResetMediaRunning(), monitores calls each player's respective Control*()
function unconditionally which in turn check's the state only to send the
players the opposite command of it's current state. i.e. paused? play!
playing? pause!
You do have ControlTunesOnLock() and ControlTunesReset() that look like they'd
fill the gap for correct iTunes control with little or no modification, but I
don't see them being called from anywhere.
You don't have either of those functions defined for Spotify, but I'm sure it
wouldn't take you long to make and use them ;)
I haven't checked how any of the other media players are handled, so the same
might need to be applied to one or more of those handlers if they exhibit the
same behavior.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 18 Aug 2011 at 9:48
Thanks @starsonh, I fixed that one for iTunes in the latest version ( not yet
released ). The problem with spotify is it's not yet available in India ( my
country ). that's why I am not able to work on it.
Also I am busy with other work and hardly find any time for this
development.I'll soon release the final version.
Once again Thanks for looking into the issue and reporting it back here.
Original comment by cumakt
on 19 Aug 2011 at 12:05
I am having the same issue with WMP 12 and Windows 8.1: If paused, music will
start playing when I lock the screen. Too bad as this was a handy piece of
Original comment by [email protected]
on 21 Dec 2013 at 12:35
I've taken a look at the code and i can see why it starts playing when paused
and you lock.
I think you need a change along these line.
void ControlTunes (bool action)
CoInitialize ( 0 );
IiTunes *iITunes = 0;
hRes = ::CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_iTunesApp, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IiTunes, ( PVOID * ) & iITunes );
if ( hRes == S_OK && iITunes )
ITPlayerState iIPlayerState;
iITunes->get_PlayerState ( &iIPlayerState );
if(iIPlayerState == ITPlayerStatePlaying && action == 0)
} else if (iIPlayerState == ITPlayerStateStopped && action == 1)
void PauseMediaPrograms()
//iTunes control using COM
HWND hwndTunes = FindWindow ( "iTunes", NULL );
if ( hwndTunes != NULL )
void ResetMediaRunning()
//iTunes control using COM
HWND hwndTunes = FindWindow ( "iTunes", NULL );
if ( hwndTunes != NULL )
If you can advise what you used to compile this then I could compile myself and
test to advise if this fixes the issue.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 3 Mar 2015 at 12:17