react-md-editor copied to clipboard
Is there any way to give custom tooltip text to toolbar ?
Can we give custom tooltip text to toolbar like we have buttonProps: { "aria-label": "Insert bold text", "titile": "Insert bold text" } for group but needed for single command.
example:- commands.bold tooltip text "Insert bold text"
@IntelligaiaVivek Welcome to submit PR, modify the tooltip
import React from "react";
import MDEditor, { commands } from "@uiw/react-md-editor";
export default function App() {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState("**Hello world!!!**");
return (
<div className="container">
buttonProps: { title: "Test Title" }
onChange={(val) => {
Thanks for this Wonderful 'react-md-editor' Awesome
There is an issue with I can not override the value as expected. It still returns default value [](url)
. @jaywcjlove
value: '[Text Here](URL Here)',
@cmldk please give your example
This was my first example when I was commenting on this. I was trying to create custom markdown commands. @jaywcjlove
{ ...commands.bold, buttonProps: { title: `${translate('addBold')} (Ctrl/Cmd + B)` } },
{ ...commands.italic, buttonProps: { title: `${translate('addItalic')} (Ctrl/Cmd + I)` } },
value: '[Text Here](URL Here)',
After considering the problem, I found out why this happens. [](url)
text (value) is also generated while executing the function. And this is my solution as shown below.
buttonProps: { title: `${translate('addLink')} (Ctrl/Cmd + L)` },
execute: (state, api) => {
const newSelectionRange = selectWord({ text: state.text, selection: state.selection });
const state1 = api.setSelectionRange(newSelectionRange);
let state2;
let urlHereText = translate('urlHere');
if (state1.selectedText) {
// selection
state2 = api.replaceSelection(`[${state1.selectedText}](${urlHereText})`);
} else {
// empty selection
state2 = api.replaceSelection(`[${translate('textHere')}](${urlHereText})`);
start: state2.selection.end - urlHereText.length - 1,
end: state2.selection.end - 1,
@IntelligaiaVivek Upgrade v3.20.5
Thanks @jaywcjlove for the updates