react-markdown-editor copied to clipboard
Uncaught Error
I am currently wrapping <MarkdownEditor/> for use in an internal project
The wrapper is very simple (in its early stages) and shown below
const MarkdownTextarea: FunctionComponent<MarkdownTextareaProps> = ({ invalid, ...props }) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<MarkdownEditor height={400} visible={true} {...props} />
We are testing this wrapper using
const [value, setValue] = useState<string>("# This is a textarea")
return (<MarkdownTextarea value={value} onChange={action('onChange')} />)
When validating in story book I see the following error which seems to repeat every 500ms.
MarkdownTextarea/Default/error: (5) ["Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined", "http://localhost:9090/", 5350, 61, TypeError]
0: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined"
1: "http://localhost:9090/"
2: 5350
3: 61
4: TypeError
Any guidance and advice in helping to troubleshoot this would be appreciated
@mteichtahl Server side rendering?
@mteichtahl Server side rendering?
Interesting. you may be right. It could be how storybook runs in dev mode. Ill experiment and update with findings.