ngu-carousel copied to clipboard
length for carousel banner undefined
CarouselComponent.html:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._carouselPoint (ngu-carousel.js:700) at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._storeCarouselData (ngu-carousel.js:672) at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._carouselSize (ngu-carousel.js:844) at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._inputValidation (ngu-carousel.js:445) at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel.ngAfterViewInit (ngu-carousel.js:393) at callProviderLifecycles (core.js:9567) at callElementProvidersLifecycles (core.js:9541) at callLifecycleHooksChildrenFirst (core.js:9531) at checkAndUpdateView (core.js:10467) at callViewAction (core.js:10699)
Yes, I also have the same issue. I am trying to use <ngu-item NguCarouselItem> and not
@harishkrishnan24 @yash4596 Hi,
There is some process change in the carousel. Please look at this demo. Now i have decoupled the point from the carousel so that we can customize our own. It is requested by devs.
Now carousel will have dataSource
for data input instead of ngFor
similar to Material components.
- This is done for handling large number of items and will maintain less items in dom for performance improvement (in development)
Having the same issue. Everything works fine when data is static. When data is fetched through @Input decorator, this error is thrown.
@emceearjun Try to initialize your @input with empty array. This error occurs when you pass undefined value to dataSource.
@sheikalthaf I use something like <ngu-carousel [inputs]="carouselBanner"> <ngu-item NguCarouselItem class="mySlides" *ngFor="let item of items">
Cant, we use this anymore?
@sheikalthaf yes it works. I was receiving null in the input which was causing the issue. Thanks! That being said, can null/undefined values be handled in a manner similar to an empty array? I think that would be useful since there will be consistency. Also, this error message is quite misleading.
Again, thanks :)
@sheikalthaf I use something like <ngu-carousel [inputs]="carouselBanner"> <ngu-item NguCarouselItem class="mySlides" *ngFor="let item of items">
Cant, we use this anymore?
Angular ngFor is dropped. Please use the latest version of carousel logic. Please check the demo link above
@sheikalthaf yes it works. I was receiving null in the input which was causing the issue. Thanks! That being said, can null/undefined values be handled in a manner similar to an empty array? I think that would be useful since there will be consistency. Also, this error message is quite misleading.
Again, thanks :)
Will do.. Thanks
Can you use the latest version without specifying a datasource? I was previously using as follows but this now throws an error. According to the example on home page of repo this should still work.
I've recreated the issue here:
<ngu-carousel [inputs]="carouselOne">
<ngu-item NguCarouselItem>
step 1
<ngu-item NguCarouselItem>
step 2
<button NguCarouselPrev class="leftRs"><</button>
<button NguCarouselNext class="rightRs">></button>
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._carouselPoint () at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._storeCarouselData () at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._carouselSize () at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel._inputValidation () at NguCarousel.push../node_modules/@ngu/carousel/fesm5/ngu-carousel.js.NguCarousel.ngAfterViewInit ()
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Package Version
@angular-devkit/architect 0.6.8 @angular-devkit/build-angular 0.6.8 @angular-devkit/build-optimizer 0.6.8 @angular-devkit/core 0.6.8 @angular-devkit/schematics 0.7.3 @angular/cdk 6.4.5 @angular/cli 6.1.3 @angular/flex-layout 6.0.0-beta.18 @angular/material 6.4.5 @angular/material-moment-adapter 6.4.5 @ngtools/webpack 6.0.8 @schematics/angular 0.7.3 @schematics/update 0.7.3 rxjs 6.3.2 typescript 2.9.2 webpack 4.8.3
@ImranAhmed Hi,
Currently the carousel doesn't support static data. Soon i will update to support static data. If you want to use carousel as static then stick with previous version.
Hey 1.5.3 released. something happened about this issue?
Do we have an update on this? Are the examples for static content on home page out of date and does this control even support loading static content anymore? Thanks.
I am having the same issue. What version works with static content?
any update?
@sheikalthaf Hi, you mention that if we wanted to use static data, we should use the previous version. May I know what is the version number that works with static content? Thanks
Should we wait for support? Is there a similar plugin?
try like this:
someList: any[] = [SomeItem] if you are passing some defined list of items (from some serviced static endpoint as .json)
OR: someList: any[] = [] if there is no data yet (list of items is empty)
Nothing here?