ngu-carousel copied to clipboard
ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: NguCarousel.isLast changes out of order
<ngu-carousel [inputs]="slides_conf" [dataSource]="slides_images" #slides>
<ngu-item *nguCarouselDef="let item;">
<img src="{{item.image}}" draggable="false" class="cover">
<button NguCarouselPrev [style.opacity]="slides.isFirst ? 0.5 : 1"></button>
<button NguCarouselNext [style.opacity]="slides.isLast ? 0.5 : 1"></button>
"speed": 400,
"easing": "ease",
"point": {
"visible": false
"touch": true,
"loop": false,
"grid": {
"xs": 3,
"sm": 3,
"md": 3,
"lg": 5,
"all": 0
"type": "responsive"
Error happens when screen is lg
and all 5 slides are loaded at once.
any update on this ,, having the same issue
I think it's an async issue with the data updating after the bindings. I solved using an onMove function to update controller variables so the variables always stay consistent with values:
<ngu-carousel #myCarousel [inputs]="carouselTile" [dataSource]="page.images" class="carousel" (onMove)="onCarouselMove($event)">
<ngu-tile *nguCarouselDef="let image; let i = index">
<div class="carousel-item">
<img [src]="image" alt="Image" draggable="false" />
<button NguCarouselPrev class="carousel-arrow carousel-arrow-left" [disabled]="leftNavDisabled"><</button>
<button NguCarouselNext class="carousel-arrow carousel-arrow-right" [disabled]="rightNavDisabled">></button>
<ul class="carousel-indicators" NguCarouselPoint [hidden]="points.length==0">
<li *ngFor="let i of points; let i = index" []="i==myCarousel.activePoint" (click)="myCarousel.moveTo(i)"></li>
And then the controller:
@ViewChild('myCarousel') myCarousel: NguCarousel<any>;
leftNavDisabled = false;
rightNavDisabled = false;
points = [];
onCarouselMove() {
if (this.myCarousel.pointNumbers) {
this.points = this.myCarousel.pointNumbers;
} else {
this.points = [];
if (this.myCarousel.isFirst) {
this.leftNavDisabled = true;
} else {
this.leftNavDisabled = false;
if (this.myCarousel.isLast) {
this.rightNavDisabled = true;
} else {
this.rightNavDisabled = false;
Thanks for your reply,, it actually worked. best regards
It's possible to use data from $event instead. And your onCarouselMove will look this way
onCarouselMove(data) {
this.points = data.points;
this.isFirst = data.isFirst;
this.isLast = data.isLast;
The onMove solution doesn't work if the window is resized, changing the number of items shown in the carousel
I found putting a condition on the data source helpful, in this case: *ngIf = "slides_images.length>0"