PHP-Twig.tmbundle copied to clipboard
A TextMate (and Sublime Text) bundle for Twig.
Typing '
Variables and functions are not highlighted when inside an HTML attribute. ie. ... #56 is similar but only talking about functions.
kudos, great package however ``` ``` is not recognized (syntax not highlighted)
Comment tags as shown are not being grayed out in name.html.twig files. `{# some code #}` As shown here: 
Often, we use foot marks instead of true quote marks when we're writing a contraction in a sentence. Inside of a `trans` tag (for example), this causes the highlighting to...
I think that `nav`, `section`, and `article` should be added to the `meta.tag.block.any.html` scope.
Hi, since last update where you replaced `blockb` with `block.`, `ifb` with `if.` for twig multiline blocks, if one has Emmet extension installed, there is a conflict between both plugins...
Is there a list of shortcuts for functions, variables, comments etc?
I'm not sure if it's an issue with syntax doc or sublime itself. When you use statement like ``` twig {% if foo is bar %} Hello! {% endif %}...