izsynth copied to clipboard
I got an error when I try this:
$ izsynth -e naturalreaders -v Peter -t "Welcome home, mr Stark" == [1/1] - izsynth Name:[Welcome_home__mr_Stark-919753565] ===================== Synthesizing - input:[/dev/shm/izsynth-20180919-100916/Welcome_home__mr_Stark-919753565.txt] engine:[naturalreaders] voice:[Peter] output:[/dev/shm/Welcome_home__mr_Stark-919753565.mp3] size:[4,0K] type:[text/plain] result:[ERROR]
Whats the problem? I'm running on RPI3 with stretch
naturalreaders engine doesn't work right now, must be fixed, as temporary workaround use other engines
Thanks. It works with Google..
released 5.0 with restored naturalreaders support, can you try?
Unfortunately naturalreaders doesn't work for me :(
Here is what I get in every mp3 files that is saved in /dev/shm folder: {"errorCode": "ERR_CONVERT_FAILED", "errorMessage": ""}
I'll be happy to provide you any debug info you need ;)
Still get the same error as before after update to the latest version:
pi@Domoticz:~/domoticz$ ./izsynth -e naturalreaders -t "Hallo hier ben ik weer" == [1/1] - izsynth Name:[Hallo_hier_ben_ik_weer-552258153] ===================== Synthesizing - input:[/home/pi/domoticz/shm/izsynth-20190516-094155/Hallo_hier_ben_ik_weer-552258153.txt] engine:[naturalreaders] voice:[nl-nl] output:[/home/pi/domoticz/shm/Hallo_hier_ben_ik_weer-552258153.mp3] size:[4.0K] type:[text/plain] result:[ERROR]
Other engines works fine. Is it because they changed to subscription plan ?
For naturalreaders in generated file with error there is:
{"message":"When Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded, URL cannot include query-string parameters (after '?'): '/Dev/tts?r=12&s=1&l=0&v=aca'"}
any update on this? 🙏🏻
I'm sorry, I haven't time to reverse engineer the new naturalreaders backend