pomodoro copied to clipboard
Add Reason for interrupting
To better support the Pomodoro concept:
For an (internal/external) interruption, a reason should be enterable (e.g. by clicking on the Growl notification) and it should be possible to add this to the managed task list.
Pomodoro persistence now is a simple table. Adding reasons mean adding a secondary table (and test the relative coredata automigration OR write explicitly a migration). That should be done before or after, so it's not really an issue: I think we should add the tagging stuff (so we'll have a single data migration) at the same time, or - just thinking out loud - introduce tags and then use tags themselves as interruption reasons
The other way would be to handle only interruption reasond, which lead to another task -> Added to Things, ...
So, if a task management app is connected, we could add something like "(click to add a new task)" to the Growl notification and upon click show a window to enter the task name.
Yep, that could be an option: but interruptions are a pomodoro thing and should be (also) inside the app and not depending on an external integration. We need to add tags AND optionally log the interruptions on Things/OmniFocus
Logging the interruptions in OF/Things is not a good idea in my opinion, when the task is done it gets removed...
However, logging it in the iCal event created or with the more Numbers friendly output is I think.
Just pointing out this apple script that is linked from the project site that provides this functionality.
reading over this issue again - I think having some more detailed logging is something that could justifiably be in the main program. This is what I am currently using in the script areas:
set message to "starting " & "$pomodoroName"
set currentDate to do shell script "date +%Y-%m-%d"
do shell script "echo " & (time string of (current date)) & " : " & message & " >> ~/.pomodoro/logs/" & currentDate & ".log"