Anders Nelson
Anders Nelson
Maybe this can help?: []( I just got a Yeelight dimmer switch too, I'd love to use it as-is without replacing the BLE platform it uses!
I hope not! I might just rip out the Yeelight dimmer electronics and replace them with Arduino code running on a [Nordic nRf52* BLE module](
Hi, I am having this issue as well: `bool connectToServer() { BLEClient* pClient = BLEDevice::createClient(); pClient->setClientCallbacks(new MyClientCallback()); // Connect to the remote BLE Server. Serial.printf("Connecting to %s.\n", serverAddress); //Serial.println(myDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str()); pClient->connect(BLEAddress(serverAddress));...
Ok thanks I'll try the timed semaphore fix.
Hi! How's the MacOS setup doc coming?
Following up to @francismariano 's comment, I also got further in my attempt to work on my Mac M3 but I had to do the following: - `codesign --force -s...