clarin-dspace copied to clipboard
SEND_TOKEN license empty email
A license with "SEND_TOKEN" required user info sends this:
# E-mail with a download link
# Parameters: {0} is expanded to filename
# {1} to a download URL
# {2} to license url
# See org.dspace.core.Email for information on the format of this file.
Subject: ${}: Download instructions for {0}
To download the file you have requested, please click the link below:
Remember, the file is distributed under specific license:
If you have trouble downloading the file or if you did not request this download please contact
${} or call us at ${}
${} Team
WWW: ${dspace.url}
Email: ${}
Tel.: ${}
verbatim, with no subject.
@milanmajchrak lepsi ale 3 poznamky
[x] odkaz vidim ale kdyz na nej kliknu, tak se mi nic nestahne. Dostanu se sem
a pak me to presmeruje na homepage
[x] subject/predmet emailu je stale prazdny
[x] melo by to vyfiltrovat komentare (radky, ktere zacinaji na
works in drruk-2024.06.9657269801