After reading [this spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#characters), I realized that "|" can be used for a part of CSS class name by adding "\\" before "|" hence "\\|" (seriously?) It means that we...
I had the same concern @spring-raining had. And that's why only classes are allowed in the original spec of walled blocks. Too many freedoms sometimes could be harmful.
I like the naming of `Fenced blocks` from @MurakamiShinyu. It sounds natural.
So here is my take. - Suitable for CSS Theming. - More frequent, fewer keystrokes. - Fenced blocks are mainly for a specific block to have dedicated styles. plain declarations...
VFM just ignores them.
yarnのpackage.json validationでnon-ASCIIを弾いていることが原因であって、つまりnpmがそのような名前を受け入れていないことが理由なので、根本的な解決は出来ないでしょう。代わりにcreate関数の[`handleName`](https://github.com/uetchy/create-create-app#handlename)プロパティで名前をバリデートして適切なメッセージを返却するように修正したほうが良いでしょう。 https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/blob/eb2b565bb9b948e87b11119482ebc184a9d66141/src/util/normalize-manifest/validate.js#L26
Did you try `nvidia-docker` instead of `docker`?