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Best practice for connecting multiple accounts
First of all, thanks for the great library.
I was wondering if there's a best practice for allowing a user to connect multiple accounts. For example:
- Login with Google by navigating to
- Create user record abc in the database and store the auth google details
- Login with GitHub by navigating to
BUT also passing along the auth details of the currently logged in user. - Within
, tie the account back to the original user.. meaning I have access toaccess_token_abc
Should I encode the info in the state
OAuth property? Should I cache oauth state => user_id? Or something else entirely?
Here's what I ended up doing...
I made a plug that packs up the query params into the state property which persists between auth/github
and auth/github/callback
For now I have hardcoded the fields to @packable_fields
, but if we want to preserve a user_id and other details, we can pack those into the state as well. I opted to go this route instead of caching a state to details map so I could avoid dealing with process state.
pipeline :auth do
plug Turtle.AuthPlug
scope "/auth", Turtle do
pipe_through :auth
get "/:provider", AuthController, :request
get "/:provider/callback", AuthController, :callback
defmodule Turtle.AuthPlug do
import Plug.Conn
@packable_params ["redirect_uri"]
def init(options), do: options
def call(conn, _opts) do
conn = fetch_query_params(conn)
params = conn.params
new_params = case params do
%{"code" => _, "state" => _} ->
%{"state" => _} ->
_ -> params
update_params(conn, new_params)
defp encode(params) do
param_subset = Map.take(params, ["state" | @packable_params])
packed_state = __MODULE__.Packer.pack(param_subset)
|> Map.drop(@packable_params)
|> Map.put("state", packed_state)
defp decode(params = %{"state" => packed_state}) do
unpacked_params = __MODULE__.Packer.unpack(packed_state)
Map.merge(params, unpacked_params)
defp decode(params), do: params
defp update_params(conn, new_params) do
put_in(conn.params, new_params)
defmodule Packer do
def pack(params) when is_map(params) do
signed = JOSE.JWT.sign(jwk, jws, params)
{_, encoded_state} = JOSE.JWS.compact(signed)
def unpack(state) do
{true, jwt, _} = JOSE.JWT.verify(jwk, state)
defp jwk do
%{"kty" => "oct", "k" => secret_key}
defp jws do
%{"alg" => "HS256"}
defp secret_key do
env = Application.get_env(:turtle, Turtle.AuthPlug.Packer)
env[:secret_key] |> :base64url.encode
Nice! Do you think this is something that should go into Ueberauth and be available to all the OAuth 2 strategies?
@hassox I, for one, want this functionality in Ueberauth.
@hassox yes I think it should as connecting multiple accounts is fairly common.
Would be good to get some feedback on improving the current implementation... I've been using Elixir ~2 months so might not be doing things idiomatically.
I've implemented something similar, I guess it would be nice to have it built into Ueberauth.
I've loosely followed this draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bradley-oauth-jwt-encoded-state-03
Is state available in all oauth providers? I read on stackoverflow somewhere that facebook had broken theirs, but I'd need to check for myself...
I'm just going to use the session and delete the redirect path on errors or successes and have a sensible default.
@aphillipo not sure about all oauth providers but I didn't have any issues with both Google and Facebook so far
Gah, I've built this using sessions... might switch over then. @stevedomin how are you writing tests for say a Facebook or Google login - do you test the whole flow and mock facebook, say, or just the bits you can? Sorry that I won't see you at Elixir London I'm in Japan :-D
I want to mock the whole flow but I haven't done it yet.
(You missed out, Elixir London was great!)
Gonna try to implement both oauth2 request state and session state, I trust the sessions more than the state, need something to fallback on.
Hey folks. Sorry this issue has dragged on for a bit. I'd like to get it tidied up.
I'm not sure I'm following the approach here now I look back on it. If you want to tie multiple accounts together to a single user resource I'm not sure ueberauth needs to really get involved does it?
In your call back controller function, you will have the result of the callback, and the session already, so if your user is logged in you can just use the verify session + load resource guardian plug (or similar) to load the current user into your callback controller (just don't use ensure authenticated). That will give you the current user if there is one. You can use that to tie it together. What am I missing?
I think the discussion descended into redirect from oauth2 providers and maintaining state. I could probably get a pull request done tonight (Japanese time)?
Also I already have the ability to connect multiple accounts with Ueberauth and Guardian - @hassox you wrote the example my code is based upon! Thanks!
Loosely related to #125