coq-library-undecidability copied to clipboard
Several problems on sequences of nats or Booleans
This PR intends to answer a request from Yves Bertot concerning the undecidability of equality testing between (constructive) real numbers. For the moment, the PR implements the following problems, but it is open for comments or improvements:
- we build a primitive µ-recursive universal algorithm
with 2 parameters such that the following problem is undecidable: givenn
, does the sequencek => ra_pr_univ(n,k)
? - the following problem is undecidable: given a primitive µ-recursive sequence
nat -> nat
, does it meet0
? - the following problem is undecidable: given Coq sequence (ie a term)
nat -> nat
, does it meet0
? - the following problem is undecidable: given a term
nat -> bool
, does it meettrue
? - we build a µ-recursive universal (partial) algorithm
with one parameter such that the following problem is undecidable: givenn
, doesra_univ(n)
As already said, this PR is open for discussion but Yves was a bit surprised that a problem such as 3 or 4 was absent from the library.
Regarding 3 and 4 I can say that they are considered in my CSL paper discussing CT, and also cover them extensively in the thesis. I would say the reason they are not in the library (yet) is that the library focuses on problems on datatypes / enumerable types, and nat -> nat
is neither. But that's no fundamental rule, so I'm happy to include them.
There are easier undecidability proofs though. We have that
datatype X -> forall p : X -> Prop, enumerable p <-> p <=m (fun (f : nat -> bool) => exists n, f n = true)
and thus every problem which is established as enumerable reduces to problem 4, and problem 4 easily reduces to problem 3 similar to the converse direction you have in your code.
It's also interesting to cover other forms of halting, totally etc for mu-recursive functions like you do, so I'm very much in favour of merging the PR, but would argue that we use a simpler proof for 4, e.g. directly reduce HaltTM 1
to problem 4 by the theorem mentioned above.
Sorry I think I modified your message instead of replying ... I think I managed to revert to your original one.
There are easier undecidability proofs though. We have that
I very much agree that going through H10
is not the simpler path to show 4 undecidable ;-) However for 1 or 5, ie universal problems where the computer is fixed and its input encodes unsolvable problems, I thought that µ-programming a solver for H10c
or H10uc
constraints was much, much simpler that implementing a simulator for MM
or TM
or L
Clearly I am in favour of having as many reduction paths as one wishes so there is no problem in including the below reduction. Does the m
in <=m
stand for many-one ?
datatype X -> forall p : X -> Prop, enumerable p <-> p <=m (fun (f : nat -> bool) => exists n, f n = true)
Considering (fun (f : nat -> bool) => exists n, f n = true)
however, I do not think we can close the loop from there because we have no information on how f
is built, ie I doubt it could be proved many-one equivalent to TM_HALTING
. What would happen with CT?
Yes, I meant many-one reducibility with <=m
Standard formulations of CT
wont' help I think. With CT
you get that the TM-halting problem is many-one complete, i.e. that
datatype X -> forall p : X -> Prop, enumerable p <-> p <=m HaltTM 1
But the problem K := fun f : nat -> bool => exists n, f n = true
we're considering is not on a datatype.
You can even prove that CT
does not imply K <=m HaltTM 1
I think:
Definition LPO := forall f : nat -> bool, (exists n, f n = true) \/ ~ (exists n, f n = true)
Meta-theoretical Lemma 1: Funext /\ CT /\ ~ LPO
is consistent.
Proof: Since Funext /\ CT /\ UniqueChoice
are consistent, and CT /\ UniqueChoice -> ~ LPO
(see my CSL paper for references)
Lemma 2: Funext /\ K <=m HaltTM 1 -> LPO
Proof: Assume Fext and a many-one reduction function F
reducing K
to HaltTM 1
. Let c := F (fun x => false)
. Now G f := if F f ?= c then false else true
decides whether exists n, f n = true
. (similar to the inconsistency proof of 1-0-Choice, Fext, and CT)
Meta-theoretical Theorem: CT
does not imply K <=m HaltTM 1
Proof: If it would , then Funext /\ CT -> LPO
by Lemma 2, which is impossible by Lemma 1.
Edit: I didn't check the details, maybe one has to replace LPO
with WLPO := forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) \/ ~ (exists n, f n = true)
, but the argument should be unchanged by this.
Indeed, you need to use WLPO, but then Lemma 2 is easy to prove:
Definition K (f : nat -> bool) := exists n, f n = true.
Goal forall p : nat -> Prop, K ⪯ₘ p -> (forall f g : nat -> bool, (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g) ->
forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) \/ ~ (exists n, f n = true).
intros p [F HF] FunExt f.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec (F f) (F (fun _ => false))) as [E | E].
- right. intros H % HF. rewrite E in H. eapply HF in H as [n [=]].
- left. intros H. eapply E. f_equal. eapply FunExt.
intros n. destruct (f n) eqn:E'; firstorder congruence.
Sorry, wrong button, I wanted to comment, not comment & close.
So this statement says that if K
reduces to at least one predicate over nat
(whichever it is), then assuming FunExt nat bool
, we can prove that WLPO
holds ?
Definition K (f : nat -> bool) := exists n, f n = true. Goal forall p : nat -> Prop, K ⪯ₘ p -> (forall f g : nat -> bool, (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g) -> forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) \/ ~ (exists n, f n = true).
Yes, exactly. And since we know that funext does not imply WLPO (by a model of Coq in constructive set theory) and that CT together with funext does not imply WLPO (by an adapted sheaf model, similar to the sheaf model by Swan and Uemura for HoTT) we know that neither without axioms nor with CT K will ever be many one equivalent to one of the problems we consider in the library